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Compact Muon Solenoid

Multiparticle correlations and higher order harmonics in pPb collisions at sNN= 8.16 TeV
Abstract: The second- and third-order azimuthal anisotropy Fourier harmonics are studied in pPb collisions at sNN= 8.16 TeV over a wide range of event multiplicities. The second-order, "elliptic'' harmonic moment is obtained through four-, six-, and eight-particle correlations and the third-order, "triangular'' harmonic moment is studied using four-particle correlations. The data were collected by the CMS experiment during the 2016 LHC run. A sample of peripheral PbPb collisions at sNN= 5.02 TeV, covering a similar range of event multiplicities to the pPb results, is also analyzed. Theoretical predictions that assume a hydrodynamic evolution of the created medium with initial-state density fluctuations are compared to the experimental results.
CMS Publications
Compact Muon Solenoid