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Compact Muon Solenoid

Search for Heavy Resonances Decaying into bb and bg Final States in pp Collisions at sqrt(s) = 8 TeV
Abstract: A search for heavy resonances decaying into b¯b and bg final states at CMS in proton-proton collisions at s=8 TeV usinga data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 19.6 fb1 is presented. No evidence for narrow resonances is observed and 95\% confidence level limits on the masses of new states predicted by several models are set. The data exclude a sequential standard model Z with a mass between 1.20 and 1.68 TeV, a Randall--Sundrum graviton with a mass between 1.42 and 1.57 TeV, and an excited b quark with a mass between 1.34 and 1.54 TeV.
CMS Publications
Compact Muon Solenoid