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CMS-SMP-19-014 ; CERN-EP-2020-076
Observation of the production of three massive gauge bosons at s= 13 TeV
Phys. Rev. Lett. 125 (2020) 151802
Abstract: The first observation is reported of the combined production of three massive gauge bosons (VVV with V = W, Z) in proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV. The analysis is based on a data sample recorded by the CMS experiment at the CERN LHC corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 137 fb1. The searches for individual WWW, WWZ, WZZ, and ZZZ production are performed in final states with three, four, five, and six leptons (electrons or muons), or with two same-sign leptons plus one or two jets. The observed (expected) significance of the combined VVV production signal is 5.7 (5.9) standard deviations and the corresponding measured cross section relative to the standard model prediction is 1.02+0.260.23. The significances of the individual WWW and WWZ production are 3.3 and 3.4 standard deviations, respectively. Measured production cross sections for the individual triboson processes are also reported.
Figures & Tables Summary Additional Figures References CMS Publications

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Figure 1:
Comparison of the observed numbers of events to the predicted yields after fitting. For the WWW and WWZ channels, the results from the BDT-based selections are used. The VVV signal is shown stacked on top of the total background. The points represent the data and the error bars show the statistical uncertainties. The expected significance L in the middle panel represents the number of standard deviations (sd) with which the null hypothesis (no signal) is rejected; it is calculated for the fit for μcomb. The lower panel shows the pulls for the fit result.

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Figure 2:
Best fit values of the signal strengths for the BDT-based analyses (blue solid circles) and the sequential-cut analyses (black open circles). The error bars represent the total uncertainty. For ZZZ production, a 95% confidence level upper limit is shown. The stated numerical values correspond to the BDT-based analysis.

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Table 1:
Measured cross sections obtained with the BDT-based analyses. The uncertainties listed are statistical and systematic. For the results listed in the upper (lower) half of the table, Higgs boson contributions are counted as signal (background). The VVV cross section is calculated from the fit for μcomb. For ZZZ production, 95% confidence level upper limits are reported.
In summary, proton-proton collision data at s= 13 TeV recorded with the CMS experiment and amounting to 137 fb1 were used to observe the production of three massive gauge bosons. The significance of the observation is 5.7 standard deviations (sd) with 5.9σ expected. For WWW (WWZ) production, the observed significance is 3.3 (3.4) σ compatible with 3.1 (4.1) σ expected. Measured cross sections for WWW, WWZ, and WZZ production and an upper limit for ZZZ production are in agreement with the expectations of the standard model. This Letter documents the evidence for WWW and WWZ production and the first observation of the combined production of three massive gauge bosons.
Additional Figures

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Additional Figure 1:
Distribution of the dijet invariant mass, mjj, for events with two same-charged leptons (e or μ) and at least two jets for data and simulation corresponding to 137 fb1. The VVV signal is stacked on top of the background. The uncertainties shown are only statistical.

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Additional Figure 2:
Distribution of the maximal transverse mass, mTmax, for events with two same-charged leptons (e or μ) and at least two jets for data and simulation corresponding to 137 fb1. The VVV signal is stacked on top of the background. The uncertainties shown are only statistical.

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Additional Figure 3:
Distribution of the nonprompt lepton-BDT score for events with two same-charged leptons (e or μ) and at least two jets for data and simulation corresponding to 137 fb1. The VVV signal is stacked on top of the background. The uncertainties shown are only statistical.

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Additional Figure 4:
Distribution of the number of b-tagged jets, nb, for events with three charged leptons (e or μ) with no same-flavor opposite-charged lepton pair (0 SFOS) for data and simulation corresponding to 137 fb1. The VVV signal is stacked on top of the background. The uncertainties shown are only statistical.

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Additional Figure 5:
Distribution of the prompt lepton-BDT score for events with three charged leptons (e or μ) with no same-flavor opposite-charged lepton pair (0 SFOS) for data and simulation corresponding to 137 fb1. The VVV signal is stacked on top of the background. The uncertainties shown are only statistical.

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Additional Figure 6:
Distribution of the invariant mass of the two leptons not forming a Z boson candidate, meμ, for events with four charged leptons (e or μ) in the eμ category for data and simulation corresponding to 137 fb1. The VVV signal is stacked on top of the background. The uncertainties shown are only statistical.

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Additional Figure 7:
Distribution of mT2 for events with four charged leptons (e or μ) in the eμ category for data and simulation corresponding to 137 fb1. The VVV signal is stacked on top of the background. The uncertainties shown are only statistical.

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Additional Figure 8:
Distribution of the BDT score of the ZZ and t¯tZ BDT for events with four charged leptons (e or μ) in the eμ category for simulation for WWZ, ZZ, and t¯tZ events.

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Additional Figure 9:
Distribution of the missing transverse momentum, pTmiss, for events with four charged leptons (e or μ) in the ee/μμ category for data and simulation corresponding to 137 fb1. The VVV signal is stacked on top of the background. The uncertainties shown are only statistical.

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Additional Figure 10:
Distribution of transverse momentum of the four-lepton system, pT4, for events with four charged leptons (e or μ) in the ee/μμ category for data and simulation corresponding to 137 fb1. The VVV signal is stacked on top of the background. The uncertainties shown are only statistical.

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Additional Figure 11:
Distribution of transverse mass, mT, of the lepton assigned as W boson candidate and the pTmiss for events with five charged leptons (e or μ) for data and simulation corresponding to 137 fb1. The VVV signal is stacked on top of the background.

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Additional Figure 12:
Distribution of the scalar sum of the lepton transverse momenta, pT, for events with at least six charged leptons (e or μ) for data and simulation corresponding to 137 fb1 in the six lepton signal region. The VVV signal is stacked on top of the background. The uncertainties shown are only statistical.

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Additional Figure 13:
Distribution of the dijet invariant mass, mjj, for events with two same-charged leptons (e or μ) and at least two jets for the WWW signal simulation. The signal events are seperated into a category where the two jets are matched to a quark from the W boson decay (red), and another category for all other events. The uncertainties shown are only statistical.

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Additional Figure 14:
Distribution of the subleading parton transverse momentum for a quark from the W boson decay for the WWW signal simulation. The signal events are seperated into a category where all W bosons were generated onshell, and a category of WH WWW.

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Additional Figure 15:
Distribution of the dijet invariant mass, mjj, for events with two same-charged leptons (e or μ) and at least two jets in the lost-lepton control region for data and simulation corresponding to 137 fb1. The uncertainties shown are only statistical.

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Additional Figure 16:
Distribution of the nonprompt lepton BDT score for events with three charged leptons (e or μ) with no same-flavor opposite-charged lepton pair (0 SFOS) in the loose-lepton control region for data and simulation corresponding to 137 fb1. The uncertainties shown are only statistical.

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Additional Figure 17:
Distribution of the missing transverse momentum, pTmiss, for events with four charged leptons (e or μ) in the ZZ control region for data and simulation corresponding to 137 fb1. The uncertainties shown are only statistical.

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Additional Figure 18:
Distribution of mT2 for events with four charged leptons (e or μ) in the ZZ control region for data and simulation corresponding to 137 fb1. The uncertainties shown are only statistical.

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Additional Figure 19:
Distribution of the BDT score of the t¯tZ BDT for events with four charged leptons (e or μ) in the ZZ control region for data and simulation corresponding to 137 fb1. The uncertainties shown are only statistical.

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Additional Figure 20:
Distribution of the invariant mass of the two leptons not forming a Z boson candidate, meμ, for events with four charged leptons (e or μ) in the t¯tZ control region for data and simulation corresponding to 137 fb1. The uncertainties shown are only statistical.

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Additional Figure 21:
Distribution of the transverse momentum of the four-lepton system, pT4, for events with four charged leptons (e or μ) in the t¯tZ control region for data and simulation corresponding to 137 fb1. The uncertainties shown are only statistical.

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Additional Figure 22:
Distribution of the BDT score of the ZZ BDT for events with four charged leptons (e or μ) in the t¯tZ control region for data and simulation corresponding to 137 fb1. The uncertainties shown are only statistical.

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Additional Figure 23:
Comparison of the observed numbers of events from the BDT-based selections to the predicted yields after fitting. The VVV signal is shown stacked on top of the total background and is based on theoretical SM cross sections times the signal strengths shown in the legend. The significance L in the middle panel represents the expected number of sd with which the null hypothesis (no signal) is rejected. The lower panel shows the pulls for the fit result.

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Additional Figure 24:
Comparison of the observed numbers of events from the sequential-cut selections to the predicted yields after fitting. The VVV signal is shown stacked on top of the total background and is based on theoretical SM cross sections times the signal strengths shown in the legend. The significance L in the middle panel represents the expected number of sd with which the null hypothesis (no signal) is rejected. The lower panel shows the pulls for the fit result.

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Additional Figure 25:
Comparison of the observed numbers of events from the sequential-cut selections to the predicted yields after fitting. The VVV signal is shown stacked on top of the total background and is based on theoretical SM cross sections times the signal strengths shown in the legend. The significance L in the middle panel represents the expected number of sd with which the null hypothesis (no signal) is rejected. The lower panel shows the pulls for the fit result.

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Additional Figure 26:
Event display of candidate WWW event in same-sign dilepton plus two jets final states. In this event, there are two positively charged muons (red) along with two jets (orange cones) with an invariant mass consistent with the W mass. The neutrinos are represented by pTmiss (pink arrow). The tracks reconstructed in the event are represented by the yellow trajectories. The CMS detector depicted in the figure shows the muon system from one side of the hemisphere. The rest of the detector components are omitted for illustration purpose. The corresponding muon chambers that detected the muons in the event are depicted. The beam pipe can be seen in the center where the two proton beams approach from each side. On the right, the transverse view of the same event is shown.

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Additional Figure 27:
Event display of candidate WWW event in three lepton final states. In this event, there are two positrons and one muon where no pair of leptons consist an oppositely charged same flavor dilepton pair. The green tracks are the tracks from the positrons, and the green towers represent the electromagnetic calorimeter energy deposits from the positrons. The neutrinos are represented by pTmiss (pink arrow). The tracks reconstructed in the event are represented by the yellow trajectories. The CMS detector depicted in the figure shows the muon system from one side of the hemisphere. The rest of the detector components are omitted for illustration purpose. The corresponding muon chambers that detected the muons in the event are depicted. The beam pipe can be seen in the center where the two proton beams approach from each side. On the right, the transverse view of the same event is shown.

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Additional Figure 28:
Event display of candidate WWZ event in four lepton final states. In this event, there is a pair of oppositely charged muons (red) with an invariant mass consistent with the Z mass. There is an additional oppositely charged eμ pair in the event as well. The green track is the track from the electron in the event. The green towers represent the electromagnetic calorimeter energy deposits from the positrons. The neutrinos are represented by pTmiss (pink arrow). The tracks reconstructed in the event are represented by the yellow trajectories. The mT2 computed from the eμ system and the pTmiss is 64 GeV and the invariant mass of the eμ system is 128 GeV. The CMS detector depicted in the figure shows the muon system from one side of the hemisphere. The rest of the detector components are omitted for illustration purpose. The corresponding muon chambers that detected the muons in the event are depicted. The beam pipe can be seen in the center where the two proton beams approach from each side. On the right, the transverse view of the same event is shown.

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Additional Figure 29:
Event display of candidate WZZ event in five lepton final states. Tracks from the positrons and electrons in the event are represented by green tracks. The green tower represents the electromagnetic calorimeter energy deposits from the positrons or electrons. In this event, there are two pairs of oppositely charged electrons with their invariant masses consistent with Z mass. The neutrino in the event is represented by pTmiss (pink arrow). In addition there is an extra electron in the event. The mT of the fifth electron and the pTmiss system is 65 GeV.
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Compact Muon Solenoid