CMS-TOP-21-005 ; CERN-EP-2023-014 | ||
Evidence for four-top quark production in proton-proton collisions at √s= 13 TeV | ||
CMS Collaboration | ||
7 March 2023 | ||
Phys. Lett. B 844 (2023) 138076 | ||
Abstract: The production of four top quarks (tˉttˉt) is studied with LHC proton-proton collision data samples collected by the CMS experiment at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, and corresponding to integrated luminosities of up to 138 fb−1. Events that have no leptons (all-hadronic), one lepton, or two opposite-sign leptons (where lepton refers only to prompt electrons or prompt muons) are considered. This is the first tˉttˉt measurement that includes the all-hadronic final state. The observed significance of the tˉttˉt signal in these final states of 3.9 standard deviations (1.5 expected) provides evidence for tˉttˉt production, with a measured cross section of 36 +12−11 fb. Combined with earlier CMS results in other final states, the signal significance is 4.0 standard deviations (3.2 expected). The combination returns an observed cross section of 17 ± 4 (stat) ± 3 (syst) fb, which is consistent with the standard model prediction. | ||
Links: e-print arXiv:2303.03864 [hep-ex] (PDF) ; CDS record ; inSPIRE record ; HepData record ; Physics Briefing ; CADI line (restricted) ; |
Figures & Tables | Summary | Additional Figures & Tables | References | CMS Publications |
Figures | |
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Figure 1:
Examples of Feynman diagrams for tˉttˉt production at leading order in the SM. |
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Figure 1-a:
Example of Feynman diagram for tˉttˉt production at leading order in the SM. |
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Figure 1-b:
Example of Feynman diagram for tˉttˉt production at leading order in the SM. |
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Figure 1-c:
Example of Feynman diagram for tˉttˉt production at leading order in the SM. |
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Figure 2:
The jet multiplicity for Nb≥ 4 in the opposite-sign dilepton channel for the combined 2017--2018 dataset with dilepton decay categories combined. Here, tˉt+≥1b refers to tˉt events with at least one additional b jet, tˉt+0b includes all other tˉt events not produced in association with a boson, and EW refers to events that contain W and Z bosons but no top quarks. The backgrounds and tˉttˉt signal (derived from the fit described below) are shown as a stacked histogram. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty after the fit. |
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Figure 3:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants for the 2016--2018 data set for three different categories in the combined single-electron and single-muon channels. The three categories are defined by the number of resolved t tags (NRT), b tags (Nb), and jets (Nj), selected as representative based on their sensitivity to signal. Here, tˉt+≥1b refers to tˉt events with at least one additional b jet, while tˉt+0b includes all other tˉt events not produced in association with a boson. The TOP grouping contains single top quark production along with the other tˉt processes not explicitly shown, and EW refers to events that contain W and Z bosons but no top quarks. The backgrounds and tˉttˉt signal (derived from the fit described below) are shown as a stacked histogram. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty after the fit. While the bins are shown to be equal width, they do not correspond to equal width in BDT value. |
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Figure 4:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants for the full 2016--2018 data set in the all-hadronic channel for two VRs. The two sample VRs are defined by NRT= 1, NBT≥ 1, HT> 1400 GeV (left), and NBT≥ 2, HT> 1100 GeV (right). The background from QCD multijet and t¯t production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the t¯tt¯t signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty. |
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Figure 4-a:
The distribution of the BDT discriminant for the full 2016--2018 data set in the all-hadronic channel for VR sample defined by NRT= 1, NBT≥ 1, HT> 1400 GeV. The background from QCD multijet and t¯t production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the t¯tt¯t signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty. |
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Figure 4-b:
The distribution of the BDT discriminant for the full 2016--2018 data set in the all-hadronic channel for VR sample defined by NBT≥ 2, HT> 1100 GeV. The background from QCD multijet and t¯t production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the t¯tt¯t signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty. |
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Figure 5:
Schematic showing the definitions of the signal region (SR), validation region (VR) and control regions (CRs) used in the all-hadronic analysis as a function of Nj and Nb. |
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Figure 5-a:
Schematic showing the definitions of the signal region (SR), validation region (VR) and control regions (CRs) used in the all-hadronic analysis as a function of Nj and Nb. |
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Figure 5-b:
Schematic showing the definitions of the signal region (SR), validation region (VR) and control regions (CRs) used in the all-hadronic analysis as a function of Nj and Nb. |
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Figure 6:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants for the full 2016-2018 data set in the all-hadronic channel. The two most sensitive SR categories are shown, defined by NRT= 1, NBT≥ 1, HT> 1400 GeV (left), and NBT≥ 2, HT> 1100 GeV (right). The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty after the fit. |
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Figure 6-a:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants for the full 2016-2018 data set in the all-hadronic channel. The two most sensitive SR categories are shown, defined by NRT= 1, NBT≥ 1, HT> 1400 GeV. The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty after the fit. |
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Figure 6-b:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants for the full 2016-2018 data set in the all-hadronic channel. The two most sensitive SR categories are shown, defined by NBT≥ 2, HT> 1100 GeV. The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty after the fit. |
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Figure 7:
Expected and observed significance (in standard deviations) for tˉttˉt production from each final state and the combination with previous CMS results [21,22]. The same-sign dilepton and multilepton (SSDL&ML) final state results are from Ref. [21]. |
Tables | |
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Table 1:
Measured signal strength (μ=σtˉttˉt/σSMtˉttˉt where σSMtˉttˉt= 12 fb), corresponding cross section (in fb), and the expected and observed significance (in standard deviations) for tˉttˉt production from all analysis channels. This table shows production from each analysis channel in this Letter, the combination of those channels, the results from previously published results, and the full combination of all CMS 2016--2018 results. |
Summary |
We have measured the cross section for the simultaneous production of four top quarks (tˉttˉt) in proton-proton collisions. The data were collected by the CMS experiment at the LHC in 2016--2018, and correspond to an integrated luminosity of up to 138 fb−1 at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV. The all-hadronic final state has been studied for the first time in a tˉttˉt production analysis, using a background estimation strategy based on a deep neural network trained using control regions in data. Final states with one lepton (electron or muon), or two opposite-sign leptons have also been analyzed. The observed and expected significances obtained from the combination of the new analyses described here are 3.9 and 1.5 standard deviations, respectively. When combined with published CMS results in other final states, the significances increase to 4.0 (observed) and 3.2 (expected) standard deviations. This is a significant improvement compared to previous CMS results and the first CMS evidence for tˉttˉt production with a significance above three standard deviations. |
Additional Figures | |
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Additional Figure 1:
Observed best fit of tˉttˉt signal strength (μ) from each final state and the combination. |
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Additional Figure 2:
Observed best fit of tˉttˉt cross section (in fb) from each final state and the combination. |
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Additional Figure 3:
Expected and observed significance (in standard deviations) for tˉttˉt production from each final state and the combination with previous CMS results [21,22]. In this figure, SSDL&ML represents same-sign dilepton and multilepton final state, which has its results reported in [21]. |
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Additional Figure 4:
Post-fit negative log-likelihood scan for single lepton final state, separated per year and combined |
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Additional Figure 5:
Post-fit negative log-likelihood scan for opposite-sign dilepton final state, separated per year and combined |
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Additional Figure 6:
Post-fit negative log-likelihood scan for all-hadronic final state, separated per year and combined |
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Additional Figure 7:
Post-fit negative log-likelihood scan for all final states and the combination of all final states |
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Additional Figure 8:
The tˉttˉt production cross section as a function of top Yukawa coupling normalised to SM. The observed tˉttˉt cross section (solid line) and 95% CL upper limit (hatched line) from the full combination are also shown. The dashed line shows the SM prediction of the dependence of the tˉttˉt cross section as a function of the Yukawa coupling, calculated at LO with MadGraph-5\_aMC@NLO 2.7.3 including electroweak diagrams [1]. The prediction is normalised to the calculation at NLO+EW in the SM that is represented by the red cross [3]. The shaded bands represent the total uncertainty from the measurement or theoretical uncertainties taken from [3]. |
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Additional Figure 9:
Fraction of background and tˉttˉt signal processes for the 2016--2018 data set in each tagging category in the combined single-electron and single-muon channels before fit to data. The tagging categories are defined by the number of resolved t tags (NRT), b tags (Nb), and jets (Nj). Here, tˉt+≥1b refers to tˉt events with at least one additional b jet, while tˉt+0b includes all other tˉt events not produced in association with a boson. The TOP grouping contains single top quark production along with the other tˉt processes not explicitly shown, and EW refers to events that contain W and Z bosons but no top quarks. |
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Additional Figure 10:
Number of events for the 2016--2018 data set in each tagging category in the combined single-electron and single-muon channels before fit to data. The tagging categories are defined by the number of resolved t tags (NRT), b tags (Nb), and jets (Nj). Here, tˉt+≥1b refers to tˉt events with at least one additional b jet, while tˉt+0b includes all other tˉt events not produced in association with a boson. The TOP grouping contains single top quark production along with the other tˉt processes not explicitly shown, and EW refers to events that contain W and Z bosons but no top quarks. The backgrounds and tˉttˉt signal are shown as a stacked histogram. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty before the fit. |
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Additional Figure 11:
Distributions of (from upper left to lower right) AK4 jet multiplicity, DEEPCSV value of fourth and third leading jets, ratio of HT over HT of the four leading pT jets, subleading resolved t tagger discriminator value, and b-tag multiplicity for the 2016--2018 data set in the combined single-electron and single-muon channels before fit to data, requiring ≥ 6 AK4 jets and ≥ 2 b tags. Here, tˉt+≥1b refers to tˉt events with at least one additional b jet, while tˉt+0b includes all other tˉt events not produced in association with a boson. The TOP grouping contains single top quark production along with the other tˉt processes not explicitly shown, and EW refers to events that contain W and Z bosons but no top quarks. The backgrounds and tˉttˉt signal are shown as a stacked histogram. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty before the fit. |
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Additional Figure 11-a:
Distributions of (from upper left to lower right) AK4 jet multiplicity, DEEPCSV value of fourth and third leading jets, ratio of HT over HT of the four leading pT jets, subleading resolved t tagger discriminator value, and b-tag multiplicity for the 2016--2018 data set in the combined single-electron and single-muon channels before fit to data, requiring ≥ 6 AK4 jets and ≥ 2 b tags. Here, tˉt+≥1b refers to tˉt events with at least one additional b jet, while tˉt+0b includes all other tˉt events not produced in association with a boson. The TOP grouping contains single top quark production along with the other tˉt processes not explicitly shown, and EW refers to events that contain W and Z bosons but no top quarks. The backgrounds and tˉttˉt signal are shown as a stacked histogram. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty before the fit. |
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Additional Figure 11-b:
Distributions of (from upper left to lower right) AK4 jet multiplicity, DEEPCSV value of fourth and third leading jets, ratio of HT over HT of the four leading pT jets, subleading resolved t tagger discriminator value, and b-tag multiplicity for the 2016--2018 data set in the combined single-electron and single-muon channels before fit to data, requiring ≥ 6 AK4 jets and ≥ 2 b tags. Here, tˉt+≥1b refers to tˉt events with at least one additional b jet, while tˉt+0b includes all other tˉt events not produced in association with a boson. The TOP grouping contains single top quark production along with the other tˉt processes not explicitly shown, and EW refers to events that contain W and Z bosons but no top quarks. The backgrounds and tˉttˉt signal are shown as a stacked histogram. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty before the fit. |
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Additional Figure 11-c:
Distributions of (from upper left to lower right) AK4 jet multiplicity, DEEPCSV value of fourth and third leading jets, ratio of HT over HT of the four leading pT jets, subleading resolved t tagger discriminator value, and b-tag multiplicity for the 2016--2018 data set in the combined single-electron and single-muon channels before fit to data, requiring ≥ 6 AK4 jets and ≥ 2 b tags. Here, tˉt+≥1b refers to tˉt events with at least one additional b jet, while tˉt+0b includes all other tˉt events not produced in association with a boson. The TOP grouping contains single top quark production along with the other tˉt processes not explicitly shown, and EW refers to events that contain W and Z bosons but no top quarks. The backgrounds and tˉttˉt signal are shown as a stacked histogram. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty before the fit. |
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Additional Figure 11-d:
Distributions of (from upper left to lower right) AK4 jet multiplicity, DEEPCSV value of fourth and third leading jets, ratio of HT over HT of the four leading pT jets, subleading resolved t tagger discriminator value, and b-tag multiplicity for the 2016--2018 data set in the combined single-electron and single-muon channels before fit to data, requiring ≥ 6 AK4 jets and ≥ 2 b tags. Here, tˉt+≥1b refers to tˉt events with at least one additional b jet, while tˉt+0b includes all other tˉt events not produced in association with a boson. The TOP grouping contains single top quark production along with the other tˉt processes not explicitly shown, and EW refers to events that contain W and Z bosons but no top quarks. The backgrounds and tˉttˉt signal are shown as a stacked histogram. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty before the fit. |
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Additional Figure 11-e:
Distributions of (from upper left to lower right) AK4 jet multiplicity, DEEPCSV value of fourth and third leading jets, ratio of HT over HT of the four leading pT jets, subleading resolved t tagger discriminator value, and b-tag multiplicity for the 2016--2018 data set in the combined single-electron and single-muon channels before fit to data, requiring ≥ 6 AK4 jets and ≥ 2 b tags. Here, tˉt+≥1b refers to tˉt events with at least one additional b jet, while tˉt+0b includes all other tˉt events not produced in association with a boson. The TOP grouping contains single top quark production along with the other tˉt processes not explicitly shown, and EW refers to events that contain W and Z bosons but no top quarks. The backgrounds and tˉttˉt signal are shown as a stacked histogram. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty before the fit. |
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Additional Figure 11-f:
Distributions of (from upper left to lower right) AK4 jet multiplicity, DEEPCSV value of fourth and third leading jets, ratio of HT over HT of the four leading pT jets, subleading resolved t tagger discriminator value, and b-tag multiplicity for the 2016--2018 data set in the combined single-electron and single-muon channels before fit to data, requiring ≥ 6 AK4 jets and ≥ 2 b tags. Here, tˉt+≥1b refers to tˉt events with at least one additional b jet, while tˉt+0b includes all other tˉt events not produced in association with a boson. The TOP grouping contains single top quark production along with the other tˉt processes not explicitly shown, and EW refers to events that contain W and Z bosons but no top quarks. The backgrounds and tˉttˉt signal are shown as a stacked histogram. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty before the fit. |
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Additional Figure 12:
Postfit jet multiplicity distributions in the OSDL channel for the 2 b-tagged jets categories (left) and 3 b-tagged jets categories (right). |
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Additional Figure 12-a:
Postfit jet multiplicity distributions in the OSDL channel for the 2 b-tagged jets categories (left) and 3 b-tagged jets categories (right). |
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Additional Figure 12-b:
Postfit jet multiplicity distributions in the OSDL channel for the 2 b-tagged jets categories (left) and 3 b-tagged jets categories (right). |
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Additional Figure 13:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT= 2 jets categories. From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the ΔR between the 2 leading b-tagged jets; the ΔR between the isolated leptons; the η and pT of the leading electron; the muon Particle Flow isolation (complete and charged components); the scalar sum of jet three-momenta and the scalar sum without the 2 leading b-tagged jets; the scalar sum of jet pT and scalar sum without the 2 leading b-tagged jets (H2MT); the scalar sum of medium b-tagged jets' pT and the ratio of HT over H. Background processes include tˉt + V (V = W, Z) and tˉt + H in which tˉt is produced in association with 1 massive boson, tˉt events with zero (tˉt+0b) or at least one additional b jet (tˉt+≥1b). Events with W or Z but no top quarks are referred to as EW, and tˉt + rare includes tˉt production in associaton with two massive bosons or a third (anti)top quark. |
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Additional Figure 13-a:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT= 2 jets categories. From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the ΔR between the 2 leading b-tagged jets; the ΔR between the isolated leptons; the η and pT of the leading electron; the muon Particle Flow isolation (complete and charged components); the scalar sum of jet three-momenta and the scalar sum without the 2 leading b-tagged jets; the scalar sum of jet pT and scalar sum without the 2 leading b-tagged jets (H2MT); the scalar sum of medium b-tagged jets' pT and the ratio of HT over H. Background processes include tˉt + V (V = W, Z) and tˉt + H in which tˉt is produced in association with 1 massive boson, tˉt events with zero (tˉt+0b) or at least one additional b jet (tˉt+≥1b). Events with W or Z but no top quarks are referred to as EW, and tˉt + rare includes tˉt production in associaton with two massive bosons or a third (anti)top quark. |
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Additional Figure 13-b:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT= 2 jets categories. From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the ΔR between the 2 leading b-tagged jets; the ΔR between the isolated leptons; the η and pT of the leading electron; the muon Particle Flow isolation (complete and charged components); the scalar sum of jet three-momenta and the scalar sum without the 2 leading b-tagged jets; the scalar sum of jet pT and scalar sum without the 2 leading b-tagged jets (H2MT); the scalar sum of medium b-tagged jets' pT and the ratio of HT over H. Background processes include tˉt + V (V = W, Z) and tˉt + H in which tˉt is produced in association with 1 massive boson, tˉt events with zero (tˉt+0b) or at least one additional b jet (tˉt+≥1b). Events with W or Z but no top quarks are referred to as EW, and tˉt + rare includes tˉt production in associaton with two massive bosons or a third (anti)top quark. |
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Additional Figure 13-c:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT= 2 jets categories. From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the ΔR between the 2 leading b-tagged jets; the ΔR between the isolated leptons; the η and pT of the leading electron; the muon Particle Flow isolation (complete and charged components); the scalar sum of jet three-momenta and the scalar sum without the 2 leading b-tagged jets; the scalar sum of jet pT and scalar sum without the 2 leading b-tagged jets (H2MT); the scalar sum of medium b-tagged jets' pT and the ratio of HT over H. Background processes include tˉt + V (V = W, Z) and tˉt + H in which tˉt is produced in association with 1 massive boson, tˉt events with zero (tˉt+0b) or at least one additional b jet (tˉt+≥1b). Events with W or Z but no top quarks are referred to as EW, and tˉt + rare includes tˉt production in associaton with two massive bosons or a third (anti)top quark. |
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Additional Figure 13-d:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT= 2 jets categories. From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the ΔR between the 2 leading b-tagged jets; the ΔR between the isolated leptons; the η and pT of the leading electron; the muon Particle Flow isolation (complete and charged components); the scalar sum of jet three-momenta and the scalar sum without the 2 leading b-tagged jets; the scalar sum of jet pT and scalar sum without the 2 leading b-tagged jets (H2MT); the scalar sum of medium b-tagged jets' pT and the ratio of HT over H. Background processes include tˉt + V (V = W, Z) and tˉt + H in which tˉt is produced in association with 1 massive boson, tˉt events with zero (tˉt+0b) or at least one additional b jet (tˉt+≥1b). Events with W or Z but no top quarks are referred to as EW, and tˉt + rare includes tˉt production in associaton with two massive bosons or a third (anti)top quark. |
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Additional Figure 13-e:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT= 2 jets categories. From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the ΔR between the 2 leading b-tagged jets; the ΔR between the isolated leptons; the η and pT of the leading electron; the muon Particle Flow isolation (complete and charged components); the scalar sum of jet three-momenta and the scalar sum without the 2 leading b-tagged jets; the scalar sum of jet pT and scalar sum without the 2 leading b-tagged jets (H2MT); the scalar sum of medium b-tagged jets' pT and the ratio of HT over H. Background processes include tˉt + V (V = W, Z) and tˉt + H in which tˉt is produced in association with 1 massive boson, tˉt events with zero (tˉt+0b) or at least one additional b jet (tˉt+≥1b). Events with W or Z but no top quarks are referred to as EW, and tˉt + rare includes tˉt production in associaton with two massive bosons or a third (anti)top quark. |
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Additional Figure 13-f:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT= 2 jets categories. From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the ΔR between the 2 leading b-tagged jets; the ΔR between the isolated leptons; the η and pT of the leading electron; the muon Particle Flow isolation (complete and charged components); the scalar sum of jet three-momenta and the scalar sum without the 2 leading b-tagged jets; the scalar sum of jet pT and scalar sum without the 2 leading b-tagged jets (H2MT); the scalar sum of medium b-tagged jets' pT and the ratio of HT over H. Background processes include tˉt + V (V = W, Z) and tˉt + H in which tˉt is produced in association with 1 massive boson, tˉt events with zero (tˉt+0b) or at least one additional b jet (tˉt+≥1b). Events with W or Z but no top quarks are referred to as EW, and tˉt + rare includes tˉt production in associaton with two massive bosons or a third (anti)top quark. |
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Additional Figure 13-g:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT= 2 jets categories. From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the ΔR between the 2 leading b-tagged jets; the ΔR between the isolated leptons; the η and pT of the leading electron; the muon Particle Flow isolation (complete and charged components); the scalar sum of jet three-momenta and the scalar sum without the 2 leading b-tagged jets; the scalar sum of jet pT and scalar sum without the 2 leading b-tagged jets (H2MT); the scalar sum of medium b-tagged jets' pT and the ratio of HT over H. Background processes include tˉt + V (V = W, Z) and tˉt + H in which tˉt is produced in association with 1 massive boson, tˉt events with zero (tˉt+0b) or at least one additional b jet (tˉt+≥1b). Events with W or Z but no top quarks are referred to as EW, and tˉt + rare includes tˉt production in associaton with two massive bosons or a third (anti)top quark. |
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Additional Figure 13-h:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT= 2 jets categories. From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the ΔR between the 2 leading b-tagged jets; the ΔR between the isolated leptons; the η and pT of the leading electron; the muon Particle Flow isolation (complete and charged components); the scalar sum of jet three-momenta and the scalar sum without the 2 leading b-tagged jets; the scalar sum of jet pT and scalar sum without the 2 leading b-tagged jets (H2MT); the scalar sum of medium b-tagged jets' pT and the ratio of HT over H. Background processes include tˉt + V (V = W, Z) and tˉt + H in which tˉt is produced in association with 1 massive boson, tˉt events with zero (tˉt+0b) or at least one additional b jet (tˉt+≥1b). Events with W or Z but no top quarks are referred to as EW, and tˉt + rare includes tˉt production in associaton with two massive bosons or a third (anti)top quark. |
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Additional Figure 13-i:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT= 2 jets categories. From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the ΔR between the 2 leading b-tagged jets; the ΔR between the isolated leptons; the η and pT of the leading electron; the muon Particle Flow isolation (complete and charged components); the scalar sum of jet three-momenta and the scalar sum without the 2 leading b-tagged jets; the scalar sum of jet pT and scalar sum without the 2 leading b-tagged jets (H2MT); the scalar sum of medium b-tagged jets' pT and the ratio of HT over H. Background processes include tˉt + V (V = W, Z) and tˉt + H in which tˉt is produced in association with 1 massive boson, tˉt events with zero (tˉt+0b) or at least one additional b jet (tˉt+≥1b). Events with W or Z but no top quarks are referred to as EW, and tˉt + rare includes tˉt production in associaton with two massive bosons or a third (anti)top quark. |
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Additional Figure 13-j:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT= 2 jets categories. From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the ΔR between the 2 leading b-tagged jets; the ΔR between the isolated leptons; the η and pT of the leading electron; the muon Particle Flow isolation (complete and charged components); the scalar sum of jet three-momenta and the scalar sum without the 2 leading b-tagged jets; the scalar sum of jet pT and scalar sum without the 2 leading b-tagged jets (H2MT); the scalar sum of medium b-tagged jets' pT and the ratio of HT over H. Background processes include tˉt + V (V = W, Z) and tˉt + H in which tˉt is produced in association with 1 massive boson, tˉt events with zero (tˉt+0b) or at least one additional b jet (tˉt+≥1b). Events with W or Z but no top quarks are referred to as EW, and tˉt + rare includes tˉt production in associaton with two massive bosons or a third (anti)top quark. |
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Additional Figure 13-k:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT= 2 jets categories. From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the ΔR between the 2 leading b-tagged jets; the ΔR between the isolated leptons; the η and pT of the leading electron; the muon Particle Flow isolation (complete and charged components); the scalar sum of jet three-momenta and the scalar sum without the 2 leading b-tagged jets; the scalar sum of jet pT and scalar sum without the 2 leading b-tagged jets (H2MT); the scalar sum of medium b-tagged jets' pT and the ratio of HT over H. Background processes include tˉt + V (V = W, Z) and tˉt + H in which tˉt is produced in association with 1 massive boson, tˉt events with zero (tˉt+0b) or at least one additional b jet (tˉt+≥1b). Events with W or Z but no top quarks are referred to as EW, and tˉt + rare includes tˉt production in associaton with two massive bosons or a third (anti)top quark. |
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Additional Figure 13-l:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT= 2 jets categories. From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the ΔR between the 2 leading b-tagged jets; the ΔR between the isolated leptons; the η and pT of the leading electron; the muon Particle Flow isolation (complete and charged components); the scalar sum of jet three-momenta and the scalar sum without the 2 leading b-tagged jets; the scalar sum of jet pT and scalar sum without the 2 leading b-tagged jets (H2MT); the scalar sum of medium b-tagged jets' pT and the ratio of HT over H. Background processes include tˉt + V (V = W, Z) and tˉt + H in which tˉt is produced in association with 1 massive boson, tˉt events with zero (tˉt+0b) or at least one additional b jet (tˉt+≥1b). Events with W or Z but no top quarks are referred to as EW, and tˉt + rare includes tˉt production in associaton with two massive bosons or a third (anti)top quark. |
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Additional Figure 14:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT= 2 jets categories. From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the b-tag discriminant of the 3 highest b-tagged jets; the the b-tag discriminant of the 3 highest pT jets; the pT of the 3 highest pT jets; and the η of the 3 highest pT jets. Background processes include tˉt + V (V = W, Z) and tˉt + H in which tˉt is produced in association with 1 massive boson, tˉt events with zero (tˉt+0b) or at least one additional b jet (tˉt+≥1b). Events with W or Z but no top quarks are referred to as EW, and tˉt + rare includes tˉt production in associaton with two massive bosons or a third (anti)top quark. |
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Additional Figure 14-a:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT= 2 jets categories. From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the b-tag discriminant of the 3 highest b-tagged jets; the the b-tag discriminant of the 3 highest pT jets; the pT of the 3 highest pT jets; and the η of the 3 highest pT jets. Background processes include tˉt + V (V = W, Z) and tˉt + H in which tˉt is produced in association with 1 massive boson, tˉt events with zero (tˉt+0b) or at least one additional b jet (tˉt+≥1b). Events with W or Z but no top quarks are referred to as EW, and tˉt + rare includes tˉt production in associaton with two massive bosons or a third (anti)top quark. |
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Additional Figure 14-b:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT= 2 jets categories. From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the b-tag discriminant of the 3 highest b-tagged jets; the the b-tag discriminant of the 3 highest pT jets; the pT of the 3 highest pT jets; and the η of the 3 highest pT jets. Background processes include tˉt + V (V = W, Z) and tˉt + H in which tˉt is produced in association with 1 massive boson, tˉt events with zero (tˉt+0b) or at least one additional b jet (tˉt+≥1b). Events with W or Z but no top quarks are referred to as EW, and tˉt + rare includes tˉt production in associaton with two massive bosons or a third (anti)top quark. |
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Additional Figure 14-c:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT= 2 jets categories. From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the b-tag discriminant of the 3 highest b-tagged jets; the the b-tag discriminant of the 3 highest pT jets; the pT of the 3 highest pT jets; and the η of the 3 highest pT jets. Background processes include tˉt + V (V = W, Z) and tˉt + H in which tˉt is produced in association with 1 massive boson, tˉt events with zero (tˉt+0b) or at least one additional b jet (tˉt+≥1b). Events with W or Z but no top quarks are referred to as EW, and tˉt + rare includes tˉt production in associaton with two massive bosons or a third (anti)top quark. |
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Additional Figure 14-d:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT= 2 jets categories. From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the b-tag discriminant of the 3 highest b-tagged jets; the the b-tag discriminant of the 3 highest pT jets; the pT of the 3 highest pT jets; and the η of the 3 highest pT jets. Background processes include tˉt + V (V = W, Z) and tˉt + H in which tˉt is produced in association with 1 massive boson, tˉt events with zero (tˉt+0b) or at least one additional b jet (tˉt+≥1b). Events with W or Z but no top quarks are referred to as EW, and tˉt + rare includes tˉt production in associaton with two massive bosons or a third (anti)top quark. |
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Additional Figure 14-e:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT= 2 jets categories. From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the b-tag discriminant of the 3 highest b-tagged jets; the the b-tag discriminant of the 3 highest pT jets; the pT of the 3 highest pT jets; and the η of the 3 highest pT jets. Background processes include tˉt + V (V = W, Z) and tˉt + H in which tˉt is produced in association with 1 massive boson, tˉt events with zero (tˉt+0b) or at least one additional b jet (tˉt+≥1b). Events with W or Z but no top quarks are referred to as EW, and tˉt + rare includes tˉt production in associaton with two massive bosons or a third (anti)top quark. |
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Additional Figure 14-f:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT= 2 jets categories. From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the b-tag discriminant of the 3 highest b-tagged jets; the the b-tag discriminant of the 3 highest pT jets; the pT of the 3 highest pT jets; and the η of the 3 highest pT jets. Background processes include tˉt + V (V = W, Z) and tˉt + H in which tˉt is produced in association with 1 massive boson, tˉt events with zero (tˉt+0b) or at least one additional b jet (tˉt+≥1b). Events with W or Z but no top quarks are referred to as EW, and tˉt + rare includes tˉt production in associaton with two massive bosons or a third (anti)top quark. |
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Additional Figure 14-g:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT= 2 jets categories. From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the b-tag discriminant of the 3 highest b-tagged jets; the the b-tag discriminant of the 3 highest pT jets; the pT of the 3 highest pT jets; and the η of the 3 highest pT jets. Background processes include tˉt + V (V = W, Z) and tˉt + H in which tˉt is produced in association with 1 massive boson, tˉt events with zero (tˉt+0b) or at least one additional b jet (tˉt+≥1b). Events with W or Z but no top quarks are referred to as EW, and tˉt + rare includes tˉt production in associaton with two massive bosons or a third (anti)top quark. |
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Additional Figure 14-h:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT= 2 jets categories. From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the b-tag discriminant of the 3 highest b-tagged jets; the the b-tag discriminant of the 3 highest pT jets; the pT of the 3 highest pT jets; and the η of the 3 highest pT jets. Background processes include tˉt + V (V = W, Z) and tˉt + H in which tˉt is produced in association with 1 massive boson, tˉt events with zero (tˉt+0b) or at least one additional b jet (tˉt+≥1b). Events with W or Z but no top quarks are referred to as EW, and tˉt + rare includes tˉt production in associaton with two massive bosons or a third (anti)top quark. |
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Additional Figure 14-i:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT= 2 jets categories. From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the b-tag discriminant of the 3 highest b-tagged jets; the the b-tag discriminant of the 3 highest pT jets; the pT of the 3 highest pT jets; and the η of the 3 highest pT jets. Background processes include tˉt + V (V = W, Z) and tˉt + H in which tˉt is produced in association with 1 massive boson, tˉt events with zero (tˉt+0b) or at least one additional b jet (tˉt+≥1b). Events with W or Z but no top quarks are referred to as EW, and tˉt + rare includes tˉt production in associaton with two massive bosons or a third (anti)top quark. |
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Additional Figure 14-j:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT= 2 jets categories. From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the b-tag discriminant of the 3 highest b-tagged jets; the the b-tag discriminant of the 3 highest pT jets; the pT of the 3 highest pT jets; and the η of the 3 highest pT jets. Background processes include tˉt + V (V = W, Z) and tˉt + H in which tˉt is produced in association with 1 massive boson, tˉt events with zero (tˉt+0b) or at least one additional b jet (tˉt+≥1b). Events with W or Z but no top quarks are referred to as EW, and tˉt + rare includes tˉt production in associaton with two massive bosons or a third (anti)top quark. |
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Additional Figure 14-k:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT= 2 jets categories. From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the b-tag discriminant of the 3 highest b-tagged jets; the the b-tag discriminant of the 3 highest pT jets; the pT of the 3 highest pT jets; and the η of the 3 highest pT jets. Background processes include tˉt + V (V = W, Z) and tˉt + H in which tˉt is produced in association with 1 massive boson, tˉt events with zero (tˉt+0b) or at least one additional b jet (tˉt+≥1b). Events with W or Z but no top quarks are referred to as EW, and tˉt + rare includes tˉt production in associaton with two massive bosons or a third (anti)top quark. |
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Additional Figure 14-l:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT= 2 jets categories. From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the b-tag discriminant of the 3 highest b-tagged jets; the the b-tag discriminant of the 3 highest pT jets; the pT of the 3 highest pT jets; and the η of the 3 highest pT jets. Background processes include tˉt + V (V = W, Z) and tˉt + H in which tˉt is produced in association with 1 massive boson, tˉt events with zero (tˉt+0b) or at least one additional b jet (tˉt+≥1b). Events with W or Z but no top quarks are referred to as EW, and tˉt + rare includes tˉt production in associaton with two massive bosons or a third (anti)top quark. |
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Additional Figure 15:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT= 2 jets categories. From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the b-tag discriminant of the fourth highest pT and b-tagged jets per event; the η and pT of the fourth highest pT jet; the ratio of H2MT to HT; the ϕ and magnitude of the missing transverse energy (MET); the transverse mass of the MET with the electron or muon; the η, pT of the leading muon; the muon PF isolation (complete and charged components); and the jet multiplicity. Backgrounds are as described in Fig. 14. |
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Additional Figure 15-a:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT= 2 jets categories. From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the b-tag discriminant of the fourth highest pT and b-tagged jets per event; the η and pT of the fourth highest pT jet; the ratio of H2MT to HT; the ϕ and magnitude of the missing transverse energy (MET); the transverse mass of the MET with the electron or muon; the η, pT of the leading muon; the muon PF isolation (complete and charged components); and the jet multiplicity. Backgrounds are as described in Fig. 14. |
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Additional Figure 15-b:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT= 2 jets categories. From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the b-tag discriminant of the fourth highest pT and b-tagged jets per event; the η and pT of the fourth highest pT jet; the ratio of H2MT to HT; the ϕ and magnitude of the missing transverse energy (MET); the transverse mass of the MET with the electron or muon; the η, pT of the leading muon; the muon PF isolation (complete and charged components); and the jet multiplicity. Backgrounds are as described in Fig. 14. |
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Additional Figure 15-c:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT= 2 jets categories. From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the b-tag discriminant of the fourth highest pT and b-tagged jets per event; the η and pT of the fourth highest pT jet; the ratio of H2MT to HT; the ϕ and magnitude of the missing transverse energy (MET); the transverse mass of the MET with the electron or muon; the η, pT of the leading muon; the muon PF isolation (complete and charged components); and the jet multiplicity. Backgrounds are as described in Fig. 14. |
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Additional Figure 15-d:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT= 2 jets categories. From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the b-tag discriminant of the fourth highest pT and b-tagged jets per event; the η and pT of the fourth highest pT jet; the ratio of H2MT to HT; the ϕ and magnitude of the missing transverse energy (MET); the transverse mass of the MET with the electron or muon; the η, pT of the leading muon; the muon PF isolation (complete and charged components); and the jet multiplicity. Backgrounds are as described in Fig. 14. |
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Additional Figure 15-e:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT= 2 jets categories. From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the b-tag discriminant of the fourth highest pT and b-tagged jets per event; the η and pT of the fourth highest pT jet; the ratio of H2MT to HT; the ϕ and magnitude of the missing transverse energy (MET); the transverse mass of the MET with the electron or muon; the η, pT of the leading muon; the muon PF isolation (complete and charged components); and the jet multiplicity. Backgrounds are as described in Fig. 14. |
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Additional Figure 15-f:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT= 2 jets categories. From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the b-tag discriminant of the fourth highest pT and b-tagged jets per event; the η and pT of the fourth highest pT jet; the ratio of H2MT to HT; the ϕ and magnitude of the missing transverse energy (MET); the transverse mass of the MET with the electron or muon; the η, pT of the leading muon; the muon PF isolation (complete and charged components); and the jet multiplicity. Backgrounds are as described in Fig. 14. |
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Additional Figure 15-g:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT= 2 jets categories. From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the b-tag discriminant of the fourth highest pT and b-tagged jets per event; the η and pT of the fourth highest pT jet; the ratio of H2MT to HT; the ϕ and magnitude of the missing transverse energy (MET); the transverse mass of the MET with the electron or muon; the η, pT of the leading muon; the muon PF isolation (complete and charged components); and the jet multiplicity. Backgrounds are as described in Fig. 14. |
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Additional Figure 15-h:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT= 2 jets categories. From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the b-tag discriminant of the fourth highest pT and b-tagged jets per event; the η and pT of the fourth highest pT jet; the ratio of H2MT to HT; the ϕ and magnitude of the missing transverse energy (MET); the transverse mass of the MET with the electron or muon; the η, pT of the leading muon; the muon PF isolation (complete and charged components); and the jet multiplicity. Backgrounds are as described in Fig. 14. |
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Additional Figure 15-i:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT= 2 jets categories. From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the b-tag discriminant of the fourth highest pT and b-tagged jets per event; the η and pT of the fourth highest pT jet; the ratio of H2MT to HT; the ϕ and magnitude of the missing transverse energy (MET); the transverse mass of the MET with the electron or muon; the η, pT of the leading muon; the muon PF isolation (complete and charged components); and the jet multiplicity. Backgrounds are as described in Fig. 14. |
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Additional Figure 15-j:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT= 2 jets categories. From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the b-tag discriminant of the fourth highest pT and b-tagged jets per event; the η and pT of the fourth highest pT jet; the ratio of H2MT to HT; the ϕ and magnitude of the missing transverse energy (MET); the transverse mass of the MET with the electron or muon; the η, pT of the leading muon; the muon PF isolation (complete and charged components); and the jet multiplicity. Backgrounds are as described in Fig. 14. |
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Additional Figure 15-k:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT= 2 jets categories. From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the b-tag discriminant of the fourth highest pT and b-tagged jets per event; the η and pT of the fourth highest pT jet; the ratio of H2MT to HT; the ϕ and magnitude of the missing transverse energy (MET); the transverse mass of the MET with the electron or muon; the η, pT of the leading muon; the muon PF isolation (complete and charged components); and the jet multiplicity. Backgrounds are as described in Fig. 14. |
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Additional Figure 15-l:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT= 2 jets categories. From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the b-tag discriminant of the fourth highest pT and b-tagged jets per event; the η and pT of the fourth highest pT jet; the ratio of H2MT to HT; the ϕ and magnitude of the missing transverse energy (MET); the transverse mass of the MET with the electron or muon; the η, pT of the leading muon; the muon PF isolation (complete and charged components); and the jet multiplicity. Backgrounds are as described in Fig. 14. |
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Additional Figure 15-m:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT= 2 jets categories. From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the b-tag discriminant of the fourth highest pT and b-tagged jets per event; the η and pT of the fourth highest pT jet; the ratio of H2MT to HT; the ϕ and magnitude of the missing transverse energy (MET); the transverse mass of the MET with the electron or muon; the η, pT of the leading muon; the muon PF isolation (complete and charged components); and the jet multiplicity. Backgrounds are as described in Fig. 14. |
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Additional Figure 15-n:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT= 2 jets categories. From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the b-tag discriminant of the fourth highest pT and b-tagged jets per event; the η and pT of the fourth highest pT jet; the ratio of H2MT to HT; the ϕ and magnitude of the missing transverse energy (MET); the transverse mass of the MET with the electron or muon; the η, pT of the leading muon; the muon PF isolation (complete and charged components); and the jet multiplicity. Backgrounds are as described in Fig. 14. |
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Additional Figure 16:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT≥ 3 jets categories.From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the ΔR between the 2 leading b-tagged jets; ΔR between the isolated leptons; the η and pT of the leading electron; the electron Particle Flow isolation (complete and charged components); the scalar sum of jet three-momenta and the scalar sum without the 2 leading b-tagged jets; the scalar sum of jet pT and scalar sum without the 2 leading b-tagged jets (H2MT); the scalar sum of medium b-tagged jets' pT and the ratio of HT over H). Background processes include tˉt + V (V = W, Z) and tˉt + H in which tˉt is produced in association with 1 massive boson, tˉt events with zero (tˉt+0b) or at least one additional b jet (tˉt+≥1b). Events with W or Z but no top quarks are referred to as EW, and tˉt + rare includes tˉt production in associaton with two massive bosons or a third (anti)top quark. |
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Additional Figure 16-a:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT≥ 3 jets categories.From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the ΔR between the 2 leading b-tagged jets; ΔR between the isolated leptons; the η and pT of the leading electron; the electron Particle Flow isolation (complete and charged components); the scalar sum of jet three-momenta and the scalar sum without the 2 leading b-tagged jets; the scalar sum of jet pT and scalar sum without the 2 leading b-tagged jets (H2MT); the scalar sum of medium b-tagged jets' pT and the ratio of HT over H). Background processes include tˉt + V (V = W, Z) and tˉt + H in which tˉt is produced in association with 1 massive boson, tˉt events with zero (tˉt+0b) or at least one additional b jet (tˉt+≥1b). Events with W or Z but no top quarks are referred to as EW, and tˉt + rare includes tˉt production in associaton with two massive bosons or a third (anti)top quark. |
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Additional Figure 16-b:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT≥ 3 jets categories.From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the ΔR between the 2 leading b-tagged jets; ΔR between the isolated leptons; the η and pT of the leading electron; the electron Particle Flow isolation (complete and charged components); the scalar sum of jet three-momenta and the scalar sum without the 2 leading b-tagged jets; the scalar sum of jet pT and scalar sum without the 2 leading b-tagged jets (H2MT); the scalar sum of medium b-tagged jets' pT and the ratio of HT over H). Background processes include tˉt + V (V = W, Z) and tˉt + H in which tˉt is produced in association with 1 massive boson, tˉt events with zero (tˉt+0b) or at least one additional b jet (tˉt+≥1b). Events with W or Z but no top quarks are referred to as EW, and tˉt + rare includes tˉt production in associaton with two massive bosons or a third (anti)top quark. |
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Additional Figure 16-c:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT≥ 3 jets categories.From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the ΔR between the 2 leading b-tagged jets; ΔR between the isolated leptons; the η and pT of the leading electron; the electron Particle Flow isolation (complete and charged components); the scalar sum of jet three-momenta and the scalar sum without the 2 leading b-tagged jets; the scalar sum of jet pT and scalar sum without the 2 leading b-tagged jets (H2MT); the scalar sum of medium b-tagged jets' pT and the ratio of HT over H). Background processes include tˉt + V (V = W, Z) and tˉt + H in which tˉt is produced in association with 1 massive boson, tˉt events with zero (tˉt+0b) or at least one additional b jet (tˉt+≥1b). Events with W or Z but no top quarks are referred to as EW, and tˉt + rare includes tˉt production in associaton with two massive bosons or a third (anti)top quark. |
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Additional Figure 16-d:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT≥ 3 jets categories.From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the ΔR between the 2 leading b-tagged jets; ΔR between the isolated leptons; the η and pT of the leading electron; the electron Particle Flow isolation (complete and charged components); the scalar sum of jet three-momenta and the scalar sum without the 2 leading b-tagged jets; the scalar sum of jet pT and scalar sum without the 2 leading b-tagged jets (H2MT); the scalar sum of medium b-tagged jets' pT and the ratio of HT over H). Background processes include tˉt + V (V = W, Z) and tˉt + H in which tˉt is produced in association with 1 massive boson, tˉt events with zero (tˉt+0b) or at least one additional b jet (tˉt+≥1b). Events with W or Z but no top quarks are referred to as EW, and tˉt + rare includes tˉt production in associaton with two massive bosons or a third (anti)top quark. |
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Additional Figure 16-e:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT≥ 3 jets categories.From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the ΔR between the 2 leading b-tagged jets; ΔR between the isolated leptons; the η and pT of the leading electron; the electron Particle Flow isolation (complete and charged components); the scalar sum of jet three-momenta and the scalar sum without the 2 leading b-tagged jets; the scalar sum of jet pT and scalar sum without the 2 leading b-tagged jets (H2MT); the scalar sum of medium b-tagged jets' pT and the ratio of HT over H). Background processes include tˉt + V (V = W, Z) and tˉt + H in which tˉt is produced in association with 1 massive boson, tˉt events with zero (tˉt+0b) or at least one additional b jet (tˉt+≥1b). Events with W or Z but no top quarks are referred to as EW, and tˉt + rare includes tˉt production in associaton with two massive bosons or a third (anti)top quark. |
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Additional Figure 16-f:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT≥ 3 jets categories.From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the ΔR between the 2 leading b-tagged jets; ΔR between the isolated leptons; the η and pT of the leading electron; the electron Particle Flow isolation (complete and charged components); the scalar sum of jet three-momenta and the scalar sum without the 2 leading b-tagged jets; the scalar sum of jet pT and scalar sum without the 2 leading b-tagged jets (H2MT); the scalar sum of medium b-tagged jets' pT and the ratio of HT over H). Background processes include tˉt + V (V = W, Z) and tˉt + H in which tˉt is produced in association with 1 massive boson, tˉt events with zero (tˉt+0b) or at least one additional b jet (tˉt+≥1b). Events with W or Z but no top quarks are referred to as EW, and tˉt + rare includes tˉt production in associaton with two massive bosons or a third (anti)top quark. |
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Additional Figure 16-g:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT≥ 3 jets categories.From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the ΔR between the 2 leading b-tagged jets; ΔR between the isolated leptons; the η and pT of the leading electron; the electron Particle Flow isolation (complete and charged components); the scalar sum of jet three-momenta and the scalar sum without the 2 leading b-tagged jets; the scalar sum of jet pT and scalar sum without the 2 leading b-tagged jets (H2MT); the scalar sum of medium b-tagged jets' pT and the ratio of HT over H). Background processes include tˉt + V (V = W, Z) and tˉt + H in which tˉt is produced in association with 1 massive boson, tˉt events with zero (tˉt+0b) or at least one additional b jet (tˉt+≥1b). Events with W or Z but no top quarks are referred to as EW, and tˉt + rare includes tˉt production in associaton with two massive bosons or a third (anti)top quark. |
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Additional Figure 16-h:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT≥ 3 jets categories.From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the ΔR between the 2 leading b-tagged jets; ΔR between the isolated leptons; the η and pT of the leading electron; the electron Particle Flow isolation (complete and charged components); the scalar sum of jet three-momenta and the scalar sum without the 2 leading b-tagged jets; the scalar sum of jet pT and scalar sum without the 2 leading b-tagged jets (H2MT); the scalar sum of medium b-tagged jets' pT and the ratio of HT over H). Background processes include tˉt + V (V = W, Z) and tˉt + H in which tˉt is produced in association with 1 massive boson, tˉt events with zero (tˉt+0b) or at least one additional b jet (tˉt+≥1b). Events with W or Z but no top quarks are referred to as EW, and tˉt + rare includes tˉt production in associaton with two massive bosons or a third (anti)top quark. |
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Additional Figure 16-i:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT≥ 3 jets categories.From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the ΔR between the 2 leading b-tagged jets; ΔR between the isolated leptons; the η and pT of the leading electron; the electron Particle Flow isolation (complete and charged components); the scalar sum of jet three-momenta and the scalar sum without the 2 leading b-tagged jets; the scalar sum of jet pT and scalar sum without the 2 leading b-tagged jets (H2MT); the scalar sum of medium b-tagged jets' pT and the ratio of HT over H). Background processes include tˉt + V (V = W, Z) and tˉt + H in which tˉt is produced in association with 1 massive boson, tˉt events with zero (tˉt+0b) or at least one additional b jet (tˉt+≥1b). Events with W or Z but no top quarks are referred to as EW, and tˉt + rare includes tˉt production in associaton with two massive bosons or a third (anti)top quark. |
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Additional Figure 16-j:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT≥ 3 jets categories.From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the ΔR between the 2 leading b-tagged jets; ΔR between the isolated leptons; the η and pT of the leading electron; the electron Particle Flow isolation (complete and charged components); the scalar sum of jet three-momenta and the scalar sum without the 2 leading b-tagged jets; the scalar sum of jet pT and scalar sum without the 2 leading b-tagged jets (H2MT); the scalar sum of medium b-tagged jets' pT and the ratio of HT over H). Background processes include tˉt + V (V = W, Z) and tˉt + H in which tˉt is produced in association with 1 massive boson, tˉt events with zero (tˉt+0b) or at least one additional b jet (tˉt+≥1b). Events with W or Z but no top quarks are referred to as EW, and tˉt + rare includes tˉt production in associaton with two massive bosons or a third (anti)top quark. |
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Additional Figure 16-k:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT≥ 3 jets categories.From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the ΔR between the 2 leading b-tagged jets; ΔR between the isolated leptons; the η and pT of the leading electron; the electron Particle Flow isolation (complete and charged components); the scalar sum of jet three-momenta and the scalar sum without the 2 leading b-tagged jets; the scalar sum of jet pT and scalar sum without the 2 leading b-tagged jets (H2MT); the scalar sum of medium b-tagged jets' pT and the ratio of HT over H). Background processes include tˉt + V (V = W, Z) and tˉt + H in which tˉt is produced in association with 1 massive boson, tˉt events with zero (tˉt+0b) or at least one additional b jet (tˉt+≥1b). Events with W or Z but no top quarks are referred to as EW, and tˉt + rare includes tˉt production in associaton with two massive bosons or a third (anti)top quark. |
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Additional Figure 16-l:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT≥ 3 jets categories.From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the ΔR between the 2 leading b-tagged jets; ΔR between the isolated leptons; the η and pT of the leading electron; the electron Particle Flow isolation (complete and charged components); the scalar sum of jet three-momenta and the scalar sum without the 2 leading b-tagged jets; the scalar sum of jet pT and scalar sum without the 2 leading b-tagged jets (H2MT); the scalar sum of medium b-tagged jets' pT and the ratio of HT over H). Background processes include tˉt + V (V = W, Z) and tˉt + H in which tˉt is produced in association with 1 massive boson, tˉt events with zero (tˉt+0b) or at least one additional b jet (tˉt+≥1b). Events with W or Z but no top quarks are referred to as EW, and tˉt + rare includes tˉt production in associaton with two massive bosons or a third (anti)top quark. |
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Additional Figure 17:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT≥ 3 jets categories.From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the b-tag discriminant of the 3 highest b-tagged jets; the the b-tag discriminant of the 3 highest pT jets; the pT of the 3 highest pT jets; and the η of the 3 highest pT jets. Background processes include tˉt + V (V = W, Z) and tˉt + H in which tˉt is produced in association with 1 massive boson, tˉt events with zero (tˉt+0b) or at least one additional b jet (tˉt+≥1b). Events with W or Z but no top quarks are referred to as EW, and tˉt + rare includes tˉt production in associaton with two massive bosons or a third (anti)top quark. |
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Additional Figure 17-a:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT≥ 3 jets categories.From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the b-tag discriminant of the 3 highest b-tagged jets; the the b-tag discriminant of the 3 highest pT jets; the pT of the 3 highest pT jets; and the η of the 3 highest pT jets. Background processes include tˉt + V (V = W, Z) and tˉt + H in which tˉt is produced in association with 1 massive boson, tˉt events with zero (tˉt+0b) or at least one additional b jet (tˉt+≥1b). Events with W or Z but no top quarks are referred to as EW, and tˉt + rare includes tˉt production in associaton with two massive bosons or a third (anti)top quark. |
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Additional Figure 17-b:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT≥ 3 jets categories.From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the b-tag discriminant of the 3 highest b-tagged jets; the the b-tag discriminant of the 3 highest pT jets; the pT of the 3 highest pT jets; and the η of the 3 highest pT jets. Background processes include tˉt + V (V = W, Z) and tˉt + H in which tˉt is produced in association with 1 massive boson, tˉt events with zero (tˉt+0b) or at least one additional b jet (tˉt+≥1b). Events with W or Z but no top quarks are referred to as EW, and tˉt + rare includes tˉt production in associaton with two massive bosons or a third (anti)top quark. |
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Additional Figure 17-c:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT≥ 3 jets categories.From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the b-tag discriminant of the 3 highest b-tagged jets; the the b-tag discriminant of the 3 highest pT jets; the pT of the 3 highest pT jets; and the η of the 3 highest pT jets. Background processes include tˉt + V (V = W, Z) and tˉt + H in which tˉt is produced in association with 1 massive boson, tˉt events with zero (tˉt+0b) or at least one additional b jet (tˉt+≥1b). Events with W or Z but no top quarks are referred to as EW, and tˉt + rare includes tˉt production in associaton with two massive bosons or a third (anti)top quark. |
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Additional Figure 17-d:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT≥ 3 jets categories.From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the b-tag discriminant of the 3 highest b-tagged jets; the the b-tag discriminant of the 3 highest pT jets; the pT of the 3 highest pT jets; and the η of the 3 highest pT jets. Background processes include tˉt + V (V = W, Z) and tˉt + H in which tˉt is produced in association with 1 massive boson, tˉt events with zero (tˉt+0b) or at least one additional b jet (tˉt+≥1b). Events with W or Z but no top quarks are referred to as EW, and tˉt + rare includes tˉt production in associaton with two massive bosons or a third (anti)top quark. |
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Additional Figure 17-e:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT≥ 3 jets categories.From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the b-tag discriminant of the 3 highest b-tagged jets; the the b-tag discriminant of the 3 highest pT jets; the pT of the 3 highest pT jets; and the η of the 3 highest pT jets. Background processes include tˉt + V (V = W, Z) and tˉt + H in which tˉt is produced in association with 1 massive boson, tˉt events with zero (tˉt+0b) or at least one additional b jet (tˉt+≥1b). Events with W or Z but no top quarks are referred to as EW, and tˉt + rare includes tˉt production in associaton with two massive bosons or a third (anti)top quark. |
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Additional Figure 17-f:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT≥ 3 jets categories.From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the b-tag discriminant of the 3 highest b-tagged jets; the the b-tag discriminant of the 3 highest pT jets; the pT of the 3 highest pT jets; and the η of the 3 highest pT jets. Background processes include tˉt + V (V = W, Z) and tˉt + H in which tˉt is produced in association with 1 massive boson, tˉt events with zero (tˉt+0b) or at least one additional b jet (tˉt+≥1b). Events with W or Z but no top quarks are referred to as EW, and tˉt + rare includes tˉt production in associaton with two massive bosons or a third (anti)top quark. |
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Additional Figure 17-g:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT≥ 3 jets categories.From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the b-tag discriminant of the 3 highest b-tagged jets; the the b-tag discriminant of the 3 highest pT jets; the pT of the 3 highest pT jets; and the η of the 3 highest pT jets. Background processes include tˉt + V (V = W, Z) and tˉt + H in which tˉt is produced in association with 1 massive boson, tˉt events with zero (tˉt+0b) or at least one additional b jet (tˉt+≥1b). Events with W or Z but no top quarks are referred to as EW, and tˉt + rare includes tˉt production in associaton with two massive bosons or a third (anti)top quark. |
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Additional Figure 17-h:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT≥ 3 jets categories.From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the b-tag discriminant of the 3 highest b-tagged jets; the the b-tag discriminant of the 3 highest pT jets; the pT of the 3 highest pT jets; and the η of the 3 highest pT jets. Background processes include tˉt + V (V = W, Z) and tˉt + H in which tˉt is produced in association with 1 massive boson, tˉt events with zero (tˉt+0b) or at least one additional b jet (tˉt+≥1b). Events with W or Z but no top quarks are referred to as EW, and tˉt + rare includes tˉt production in associaton with two massive bosons or a third (anti)top quark. |
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Additional Figure 17-i:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT≥ 3 jets categories.From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the b-tag discriminant of the 3 highest b-tagged jets; the the b-tag discriminant of the 3 highest pT jets; the pT of the 3 highest pT jets; and the η of the 3 highest pT jets. Background processes include tˉt + V (V = W, Z) and tˉt + H in which tˉt is produced in association with 1 massive boson, tˉt events with zero (tˉt+0b) or at least one additional b jet (tˉt+≥1b). Events with W or Z but no top quarks are referred to as EW, and tˉt + rare includes tˉt production in associaton with two massive bosons or a third (anti)top quark. |
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Additional Figure 17-j:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT≥ 3 jets categories.From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the b-tag discriminant of the 3 highest b-tagged jets; the the b-tag discriminant of the 3 highest pT jets; the pT of the 3 highest pT jets; and the η of the 3 highest pT jets. Background processes include tˉt + V (V = W, Z) and tˉt + H in which tˉt is produced in association with 1 massive boson, tˉt events with zero (tˉt+0b) or at least one additional b jet (tˉt+≥1b). Events with W or Z but no top quarks are referred to as EW, and tˉt + rare includes tˉt production in associaton with two massive bosons or a third (anti)top quark. |
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Additional Figure 17-k:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT≥ 3 jets categories.From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the b-tag discriminant of the 3 highest b-tagged jets; the the b-tag discriminant of the 3 highest pT jets; the pT of the 3 highest pT jets; and the η of the 3 highest pT jets. Background processes include tˉt + V (V = W, Z) and tˉt + H in which tˉt is produced in association with 1 massive boson, tˉt events with zero (tˉt+0b) or at least one additional b jet (tˉt+≥1b). Events with W or Z but no top quarks are referred to as EW, and tˉt + rare includes tˉt production in associaton with two massive bosons or a third (anti)top quark. |
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Additional Figure 17-l:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT≥ 3 jets categories.From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the b-tag discriminant of the 3 highest b-tagged jets; the the b-tag discriminant of the 3 highest pT jets; the pT of the 3 highest pT jets; and the η of the 3 highest pT jets. Background processes include tˉt + V (V = W, Z) and tˉt + H in which tˉt is produced in association with 1 massive boson, tˉt events with zero (tˉt+0b) or at least one additional b jet (tˉt+≥1b). Events with W or Z but no top quarks are referred to as EW, and tˉt + rare includes tˉt production in associaton with two massive bosons or a third (anti)top quark. |
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Additional Figure 18:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT≥ 3 jets categories. From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the b-tag discriminant of the fourth highest pT and b-tagged jets per event; the η and pT of the fourth highest pT jet; the ratio of H2MT to HT; the ϕ and magnitude of the missing transverse energy (MET); the transverse mass of the MET with the electron or muon; the η, pT of the leading muon; the muon PF isolation (complete and charged components); and the jet multiplicity and b-tag multiplicity. Backgrounds are as described in Fig. 17. |
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Additional Figure 18-a:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT≥ 3 jets categories. From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the b-tag discriminant of the fourth highest pT and b-tagged jets per event; the η and pT of the fourth highest pT jet; the ratio of H2MT to HT; the ϕ and magnitude of the missing transverse energy (MET); the transverse mass of the MET with the electron or muon; the η, pT of the leading muon; the muon PF isolation (complete and charged components); and the jet multiplicity and b-tag multiplicity. Backgrounds are as described in Fig. 17. |
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Additional Figure 18-b:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT≥ 3 jets categories. From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the b-tag discriminant of the fourth highest pT and b-tagged jets per event; the η and pT of the fourth highest pT jet; the ratio of H2MT to HT; the ϕ and magnitude of the missing transverse energy (MET); the transverse mass of the MET with the electron or muon; the η, pT of the leading muon; the muon PF isolation (complete and charged components); and the jet multiplicity and b-tag multiplicity. Backgrounds are as described in Fig. 17. |
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Additional Figure 18-c:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT≥ 3 jets categories. From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the b-tag discriminant of the fourth highest pT and b-tagged jets per event; the η and pT of the fourth highest pT jet; the ratio of H2MT to HT; the ϕ and magnitude of the missing transverse energy (MET); the transverse mass of the MET with the electron or muon; the η, pT of the leading muon; the muon PF isolation (complete and charged components); and the jet multiplicity and b-tag multiplicity. Backgrounds are as described in Fig. 17. |
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Additional Figure 18-d:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT≥ 3 jets categories. From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the b-tag discriminant of the fourth highest pT and b-tagged jets per event; the η and pT of the fourth highest pT jet; the ratio of H2MT to HT; the ϕ and magnitude of the missing transverse energy (MET); the transverse mass of the MET with the electron or muon; the η, pT of the leading muon; the muon PF isolation (complete and charged components); and the jet multiplicity and b-tag multiplicity. Backgrounds are as described in Fig. 17. |
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Additional Figure 18-e:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT≥ 3 jets categories. From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the b-tag discriminant of the fourth highest pT and b-tagged jets per event; the η and pT of the fourth highest pT jet; the ratio of H2MT to HT; the ϕ and magnitude of the missing transverse energy (MET); the transverse mass of the MET with the electron or muon; the η, pT of the leading muon; the muon PF isolation (complete and charged components); and the jet multiplicity and b-tag multiplicity. Backgrounds are as described in Fig. 17. |
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Additional Figure 18-f:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT≥ 3 jets categories. From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the b-tag discriminant of the fourth highest pT and b-tagged jets per event; the η and pT of the fourth highest pT jet; the ratio of H2MT to HT; the ϕ and magnitude of the missing transverse energy (MET); the transverse mass of the MET with the electron or muon; the η, pT of the leading muon; the muon PF isolation (complete and charged components); and the jet multiplicity and b-tag multiplicity. Backgrounds are as described in Fig. 17. |
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Additional Figure 18-g:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT≥ 3 jets categories. From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the b-tag discriminant of the fourth highest pT and b-tagged jets per event; the η and pT of the fourth highest pT jet; the ratio of H2MT to HT; the ϕ and magnitude of the missing transverse energy (MET); the transverse mass of the MET with the electron or muon; the η, pT of the leading muon; the muon PF isolation (complete and charged components); and the jet multiplicity and b-tag multiplicity. Backgrounds are as described in Fig. 17. |
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Additional Figure 18-h:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT≥ 3 jets categories. From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the b-tag discriminant of the fourth highest pT and b-tagged jets per event; the η and pT of the fourth highest pT jet; the ratio of H2MT to HT; the ϕ and magnitude of the missing transverse energy (MET); the transverse mass of the MET with the electron or muon; the η, pT of the leading muon; the muon PF isolation (complete and charged components); and the jet multiplicity and b-tag multiplicity. Backgrounds are as described in Fig. 17. |
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Additional Figure 18-i:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT≥ 3 jets categories. From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the b-tag discriminant of the fourth highest pT and b-tagged jets per event; the η and pT of the fourth highest pT jet; the ratio of H2MT to HT; the ϕ and magnitude of the missing transverse energy (MET); the transverse mass of the MET with the electron or muon; the η, pT of the leading muon; the muon PF isolation (complete and charged components); and the jet multiplicity and b-tag multiplicity. Backgrounds are as described in Fig. 17. |
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Additional Figure 18-j:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT≥ 3 jets categories. From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the b-tag discriminant of the fourth highest pT and b-tagged jets per event; the η and pT of the fourth highest pT jet; the ratio of H2MT to HT; the ϕ and magnitude of the missing transverse energy (MET); the transverse mass of the MET with the electron or muon; the η, pT of the leading muon; the muon PF isolation (complete and charged components); and the jet multiplicity and b-tag multiplicity. Backgrounds are as described in Fig. 17. |
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Additional Figure 18-k:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT≥ 3 jets categories. From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the b-tag discriminant of the fourth highest pT and b-tagged jets per event; the η and pT of the fourth highest pT jet; the ratio of H2MT to HT; the ϕ and magnitude of the missing transverse energy (MET); the transverse mass of the MET with the electron or muon; the η, pT of the leading muon; the muon PF isolation (complete and charged components); and the jet multiplicity and b-tag multiplicity. Backgrounds are as described in Fig. 17. |
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Additional Figure 18-l:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT≥ 3 jets categories. From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the b-tag discriminant of the fourth highest pT and b-tagged jets per event; the η and pT of the fourth highest pT jet; the ratio of H2MT to HT; the ϕ and magnitude of the missing transverse energy (MET); the transverse mass of the MET with the electron or muon; the η, pT of the leading muon; the muon PF isolation (complete and charged components); and the jet multiplicity and b-tag multiplicity. Backgrounds are as described in Fig. 17. |
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Additional Figure 18-m:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT≥ 3 jets categories. From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the b-tag discriminant of the fourth highest pT and b-tagged jets per event; the η and pT of the fourth highest pT jet; the ratio of H2MT to HT; the ϕ and magnitude of the missing transverse energy (MET); the transverse mass of the MET with the electron or muon; the η, pT of the leading muon; the muon PF isolation (complete and charged components); and the jet multiplicity and b-tag multiplicity. Backgrounds are as described in Fig. 17. |
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Additional Figure 18-n:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT≥ 3 jets categories. From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the b-tag discriminant of the fourth highest pT and b-tagged jets per event; the η and pT of the fourth highest pT jet; the ratio of H2MT to HT; the ϕ and magnitude of the missing transverse energy (MET); the transverse mass of the MET with the electron or muon; the η, pT of the leading muon; the muon PF isolation (complete and charged components); and the jet multiplicity and b-tag multiplicity. Backgrounds are as described in Fig. 17. |
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Additional Figure 18-o:
OSDL channel prefit distributions for NBT≥ 3 jets categories. From left to right, top to bottom, are figures for the b-tag discriminant of the fourth highest pT and b-tagged jets per event; the η and pT of the fourth highest pT jet; the ratio of H2MT to HT; the ϕ and magnitude of the missing transverse energy (MET); the transverse mass of the MET with the electron or muon; the η, pT of the leading muon; the muon PF isolation (complete and charged components); and the jet multiplicity and b-tag multiplicity. Backgrounds are as described in Fig. 17. |
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Additional Figure 19:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the 8-jet validation region for the full 2016--2018 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty per validation region. |
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Additional Figure 19-a:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the 8-jet validation region for the full 2016--2018 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty per validation region. |
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Additional Figure 19-b:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the 8-jet validation region for the full 2016--2018 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty per validation region. |
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Additional Figure 19-c:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the 8-jet validation region for the full 2016--2018 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty per validation region. |
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Additional Figure 19-d:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the 8-jet validation region for the full 2016--2018 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty per validation region. |
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Additional Figure 19-e:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the 8-jet validation region for the full 2016--2018 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty per validation region. |
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Additional Figure 19-f:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the 8-jet validation region for the full 2016--2018 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty per validation region. |
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Additional Figure 19-g:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the 8-jet validation region for the full 2016--2018 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty per validation region. |
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Additional Figure 19-h:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the 8-jet validation region for the full 2016--2018 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty per validation region. |
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Additional Figure 19-i:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the 8-jet validation region for the full 2016--2018 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty per validation region. |
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Additional Figure 19-j:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the 8-jet validation region for the full 2016--2018 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty per validation region. |
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Additional Figure 19-k:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the 8-jet validation region for the full 2016--2018 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty per validation region. |
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Additional Figure 19-l:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the 8-jet validation region for the full 2016--2018 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty per validation region. |
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Additional Figure 20:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the 8-jet validation region (VR) for the 2016 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty per validation region. VR-derived shape uncertainties to account for discrepancies between the data and the data-driven background estimate observed in the VRs are shown overlaid in red and blue for reference. |
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Additional Figure 20-a:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the 8-jet validation region (VR) for the 2016 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty per validation region. VR-derived shape uncertainties to account for discrepancies between the data and the data-driven background estimate observed in the VRs are shown overlaid in red and blue for reference. |
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Additional Figure 20-b:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the 8-jet validation region (VR) for the 2016 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty per validation region. VR-derived shape uncertainties to account for discrepancies between the data and the data-driven background estimate observed in the VRs are shown overlaid in red and blue for reference. |
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Additional Figure 20-c:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the 8-jet validation region (VR) for the 2016 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty per validation region. VR-derived shape uncertainties to account for discrepancies between the data and the data-driven background estimate observed in the VRs are shown overlaid in red and blue for reference. |
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Additional Figure 20-d:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the 8-jet validation region (VR) for the 2016 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty per validation region. VR-derived shape uncertainties to account for discrepancies between the data and the data-driven background estimate observed in the VRs are shown overlaid in red and blue for reference. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 20-e:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the 8-jet validation region (VR) for the 2016 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty per validation region. VR-derived shape uncertainties to account for discrepancies between the data and the data-driven background estimate observed in the VRs are shown overlaid in red and blue for reference. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 20-f:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the 8-jet validation region (VR) for the 2016 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty per validation region. VR-derived shape uncertainties to account for discrepancies between the data and the data-driven background estimate observed in the VRs are shown overlaid in red and blue for reference. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 20-g:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the 8-jet validation region (VR) for the 2016 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty per validation region. VR-derived shape uncertainties to account for discrepancies between the data and the data-driven background estimate observed in the VRs are shown overlaid in red and blue for reference. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 20-h:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the 8-jet validation region (VR) for the 2016 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty per validation region. VR-derived shape uncertainties to account for discrepancies between the data and the data-driven background estimate observed in the VRs are shown overlaid in red and blue for reference. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 20-i:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the 8-jet validation region (VR) for the 2016 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty per validation region. VR-derived shape uncertainties to account for discrepancies between the data and the data-driven background estimate observed in the VRs are shown overlaid in red and blue for reference. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 20-j:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the 8-jet validation region (VR) for the 2016 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty per validation region. VR-derived shape uncertainties to account for discrepancies between the data and the data-driven background estimate observed in the VRs are shown overlaid in red and blue for reference. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 20-k:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the 8-jet validation region (VR) for the 2016 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty per validation region. VR-derived shape uncertainties to account for discrepancies between the data and the data-driven background estimate observed in the VRs are shown overlaid in red and blue for reference. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 20-l:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the 8-jet validation region (VR) for the 2016 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty per validation region. VR-derived shape uncertainties to account for discrepancies between the data and the data-driven background estimate observed in the VRs are shown overlaid in red and blue for reference. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 21:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the 8-jet validation region (VR) for the 2017 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty per validation region. VR-derived shape uncertainties to account for discrepancies between the data and the data-driven background estimate observed in the VRs are shown overlaid in red and blue for reference. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 21-a:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the 8-jet validation region (VR) for the 2017 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty per validation region. VR-derived shape uncertainties to account for discrepancies between the data and the data-driven background estimate observed in the VRs are shown overlaid in red and blue for reference. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 21-b:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the 8-jet validation region (VR) for the 2017 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty per validation region. VR-derived shape uncertainties to account for discrepancies between the data and the data-driven background estimate observed in the VRs are shown overlaid in red and blue for reference. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 21-c:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the 8-jet validation region (VR) for the 2017 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty per validation region. VR-derived shape uncertainties to account for discrepancies between the data and the data-driven background estimate observed in the VRs are shown overlaid in red and blue for reference. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 21-d:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the 8-jet validation region (VR) for the 2017 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty per validation region. VR-derived shape uncertainties to account for discrepancies between the data and the data-driven background estimate observed in the VRs are shown overlaid in red and blue for reference. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 21-e:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the 8-jet validation region (VR) for the 2017 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty per validation region. VR-derived shape uncertainties to account for discrepancies between the data and the data-driven background estimate observed in the VRs are shown overlaid in red and blue for reference. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 21-f:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the 8-jet validation region (VR) for the 2017 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty per validation region. VR-derived shape uncertainties to account for discrepancies between the data and the data-driven background estimate observed in the VRs are shown overlaid in red and blue for reference. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 21-g:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the 8-jet validation region (VR) for the 2017 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty per validation region. VR-derived shape uncertainties to account for discrepancies between the data and the data-driven background estimate observed in the VRs are shown overlaid in red and blue for reference. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 21-h:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the 8-jet validation region (VR) for the 2017 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty per validation region. VR-derived shape uncertainties to account for discrepancies between the data and the data-driven background estimate observed in the VRs are shown overlaid in red and blue for reference. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 21-i:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the 8-jet validation region (VR) for the 2017 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty per validation region. VR-derived shape uncertainties to account for discrepancies between the data and the data-driven background estimate observed in the VRs are shown overlaid in red and blue for reference. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 21-j:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the 8-jet validation region (VR) for the 2017 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty per validation region. VR-derived shape uncertainties to account for discrepancies between the data and the data-driven background estimate observed in the VRs are shown overlaid in red and blue for reference. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 21-k:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the 8-jet validation region (VR) for the 2017 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty per validation region. VR-derived shape uncertainties to account for discrepancies between the data and the data-driven background estimate observed in the VRs are shown overlaid in red and blue for reference. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 21-l:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the 8-jet validation region (VR) for the 2017 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty per validation region. VR-derived shape uncertainties to account for discrepancies between the data and the data-driven background estimate observed in the VRs are shown overlaid in red and blue for reference. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 22:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the 8-jet validation region (VR) for the 2018 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty per validation region. VR-derived shape uncertainties to account for discrepancies between the data and the data-driven background estimate observed in the VRs are shown overlaid in red and blue for reference. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 22-a:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the 8-jet validation region (VR) for the 2018 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty per validation region. VR-derived shape uncertainties to account for discrepancies between the data and the data-driven background estimate observed in the VRs are shown overlaid in red and blue for reference. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 22-b:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the 8-jet validation region (VR) for the 2018 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty per validation region. VR-derived shape uncertainties to account for discrepancies between the data and the data-driven background estimate observed in the VRs are shown overlaid in red and blue for reference. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 22-c:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the 8-jet validation region (VR) for the 2018 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty per validation region. VR-derived shape uncertainties to account for discrepancies between the data and the data-driven background estimate observed in the VRs are shown overlaid in red and blue for reference. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 22-d:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the 8-jet validation region (VR) for the 2018 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty per validation region. VR-derived shape uncertainties to account for discrepancies between the data and the data-driven background estimate observed in the VRs are shown overlaid in red and blue for reference. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 22-e:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the 8-jet validation region (VR) for the 2018 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty per validation region. VR-derived shape uncertainties to account for discrepancies between the data and the data-driven background estimate observed in the VRs are shown overlaid in red and blue for reference. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 22-f:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the 8-jet validation region (VR) for the 2018 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty per validation region. VR-derived shape uncertainties to account for discrepancies between the data and the data-driven background estimate observed in the VRs are shown overlaid in red and blue for reference. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 22-g:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the 8-jet validation region (VR) for the 2018 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty per validation region. VR-derived shape uncertainties to account for discrepancies between the data and the data-driven background estimate observed in the VRs are shown overlaid in red and blue for reference. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 22-h:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the 8-jet validation region (VR) for the 2018 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty per validation region. VR-derived shape uncertainties to account for discrepancies between the data and the data-driven background estimate observed in the VRs are shown overlaid in red and blue for reference. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 22-i:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the 8-jet validation region (VR) for the 2018 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty per validation region. VR-derived shape uncertainties to account for discrepancies between the data and the data-driven background estimate observed in the VRs are shown overlaid in red and blue for reference. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 22-j:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the 8-jet validation region (VR) for the 2018 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty per validation region. VR-derived shape uncertainties to account for discrepancies between the data and the data-driven background estimate observed in the VRs are shown overlaid in red and blue for reference. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 22-k:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the 8-jet validation region (VR) for the 2018 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty per validation region. VR-derived shape uncertainties to account for discrepancies between the data and the data-driven background estimate observed in the VRs are shown overlaid in red and blue for reference. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 22-l:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the 8-jet validation region (VR) for the 2018 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty per validation region. VR-derived shape uncertainties to account for discrepancies between the data and the data-driven background estimate observed in the VRs are shown overlaid in red and blue for reference. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 23:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the signal region for the full 2016--2018 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty after the fit. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 23-a:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the signal region for the full 2016--2018 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty after the fit. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 23-b:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the signal region for the full 2016--2018 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty after the fit. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 23-c:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the signal region for the full 2016--2018 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty after the fit. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 23-d:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the signal region for the full 2016--2018 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty after the fit. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 23-e:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the signal region for the full 2016--2018 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty after the fit. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 23-f:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the signal region for the full 2016--2018 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty after the fit. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 23-g:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the signal region for the full 2016--2018 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty after the fit. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 23-h:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the signal region for the full 2016--2018 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty after the fit. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 23-i:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the signal region for the full 2016--2018 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty after the fit. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 23-j:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the signal region for the full 2016--2018 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty after the fit. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 23-k:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the signal region for the full 2016--2018 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty after the fit. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 23-l:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the signal region for the full 2016--2018 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty after the fit. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 24:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the signal region for the 2016 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty after the fit. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 24-a:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the signal region for the 2016 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty after the fit. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 24-b:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the signal region for the 2016 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty after the fit. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 24-c:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the signal region for the 2016 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty after the fit. |
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Additional Figure 24-d:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the signal region for the 2016 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty after the fit. |
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Additional Figure 24-e:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the signal region for the 2016 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty after the fit. |
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Additional Figure 24-f:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the signal region for the 2016 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty after the fit. |
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Additional Figure 24-g:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the signal region for the 2016 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty after the fit. |
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Additional Figure 24-h:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the signal region for the 2016 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty after the fit. |
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Additional Figure 24-i:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the signal region for the 2016 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty after the fit. |
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Additional Figure 24-j:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the signal region for the 2016 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty after the fit. |
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Additional Figure 24-k:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the signal region for the 2016 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty after the fit. |
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Additional Figure 24-l:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the signal region for the 2016 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty after the fit. |
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Additional Figure 25:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the signal region for the 2017 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty after the fit. |
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Additional Figure 25-a:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the signal region for the 2017 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty after the fit. |
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Additional Figure 25-b:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the signal region for the 2017 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty after the fit. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 25-c:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the signal region for the 2017 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty after the fit. |
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Additional Figure 25-d:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the signal region for the 2017 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty after the fit. |
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Additional Figure 25-e:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the signal region for the 2017 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty after the fit. |
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Additional Figure 25-f:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the signal region for the 2017 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty after the fit. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 25-g:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the signal region for the 2017 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty after the fit. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 25-h:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the signal region for the 2017 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty after the fit. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 25-i:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the signal region for the 2017 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty after the fit. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 25-j:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the signal region for the 2017 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty after the fit. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 25-k:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the signal region for the 2017 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty after the fit. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 25-l:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the signal region for the 2017 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty after the fit. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 26:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the signal region for the 2018 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty after the fit. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 26-a:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the signal region for the 2018 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty after the fit. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 26-b:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the signal region for the 2018 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty after the fit. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 26-c:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the signal region for the 2018 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty after the fit. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 26-d:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the signal region for the 2018 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty after the fit. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 26-e:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the signal region for the 2018 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty after the fit. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 26-f:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the signal region for the 2018 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty after the fit. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 26-g:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the signal region for the 2018 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty after the fit. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 26-h:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the signal region for the 2018 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty after the fit. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 26-i:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the signal region for the 2018 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty after the fit. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 26-j:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the signal region for the 2018 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty after the fit. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 26-k:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the signal region for the 2018 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty after the fit. |
![]() png pdf |
Additional Figure 26-l:
The distribution of the BDT discriminants in the signal region for the 2018 data set in the all-hadronic channel for all NRT, NBT, and HT categories. (NRT and NBT represent number of resolved tops and b-jets respectively.) The background from QCD multijet and tˉt production is derived from control regions in the data. Estimates for the tˉttˉt signal and other backgrounds are shown using simulated samples. The hatched bands correspond to the estimated total uncertainty after the fit. |
Additional Tables | |
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Additional Table 1:
Summary on event selection and triggers for each final state used in this analysis. Nj, Nb, and NRT refers to number of jets, number of b-tagged jets, and number of resolved tops respectively. |
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Additional Table 2:
Expected search significance (in terms of σSMtˉttˉt= 12 fb), cross section upper limits (in fb), and best signal strength fit (in terms of σSMtˉttˉt), individually calculated from the combination, where one analysis is removed at a time. |
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Additional Table 3:
Observed search significance (in terms of σSMtˉttˉt= 12 fb), cross section upper limits (in fb), and best signal strength fit (in terms of σSMtˉttˉt), individually calculated from the combination, where one analysis is removed at a time. |
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Additional Table 4:
Compatibility of individual channels with respect to each other and to the SM. |
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Additional Table 5:
Summary of systematic uncertainties used as input to the simultaneous fit. Correlations are also indicated. Note ''All'' refers to all simulated samples, not including data-driven QCD+ tˉt backgrounds in the all-hadronic channel. ''ttX'' refers to tˉt production in association with single bosons (H, W, Z). Data-prediction shape and normalization uncertainties apply to the data-driven QCD+ tˉt backgrounds in the all-hadronic channel that are derived in the validation region (VR) and applied in the signal region (SR) for corresponding categories. These uncertainties are correlated between top SR categories per year that use the same NN trainings. |
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Compact Muon Solenoid LHC, CERN |
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