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CMS-TOP-16-023 ; CERN-EP-2017-258
Measurement of the inclusive tˉt cross section in pp collisions at s= 5.02 TeV using final states with at least one charged lepton
JHEP 03 (2018) 115
Abstract: The top quark pair production cross section (σtˉt) is measured for the first time in pp collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 5.02 TeV. The data were collected by the CMS experiment at the LHC and correspond to an integrated luminosity of 27.4 pb1. The measurement is performed by analyzing events with at least one charged lepton. The measured cross section is σtˉt= 69.5 ± 6.1 (stat) ± 5.6 (syst) ± 1.6 (lumi) pb, with a total relative uncertainty of 12%. The result is in agreement with the expectation from the standard model. The impact of the presented measurement on the determination of the gluon distribution function is investigated.
Figures & Tables Summary Additional Figures References CMS Publications

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Figure 1:
The predicted and observed distributions of the (upper row) M(j,j) and (lower row) ΔRmin(j,j) variable for +jets events in the 0 b (left), 1 b (center), and 2 b (right) tagged jet categories. The distributions from data are compared to the sum of the expectations for the signal and backgrounds prior to any fit. The QCD multijet background is estimated from data (see Section 5.1). The cross-hatched band represents the statistical and the integrated luminosity uncertainties in the expected signal and background yields added in quadrature. The vertical bars on the data points represent the statistical uncertainties.

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Figure 1-a:
The predicted and observed distributions of the M(j,j) variable for +jets events in the 0 b tagged jet category. The distributions from data are compared to the sum of the expectations for the signal and backgrounds prior to any fit. The QCD multijet background is estimated from data (see Section 5.1). The cross-hatched band represents the statistical and the integrated luminosity uncertainties in the expected signal and background yields added in quadrature. The vertical bars on the data points represent the statistical uncertainties.

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Figure 1-b:
The predicted and observed distributions of the M(j,j) variable for +jets events in the 1 b tagged jet category. The distributions from data are compared to the sum of the expectations for the signal and backgrounds prior to any fit. The QCD multijet background is estimated from data (see Section 5.1). The cross-hatched band represents the statistical and the integrated luminosity uncertainties in the expected signal and background yields added in quadrature. The vertical bars on the data points represent the statistical uncertainties.

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Figure 1-c:
The predicted and observed distributions of the M(j,j) variable for +jets events in the 2 b tagged jet category. The distributions from data are compared to the sum of the expectations for the signal and backgrounds prior to any fit. The QCD multijet background is estimated from data (see Section 5.1). The cross-hatched band represents the statistical and the integrated luminosity uncertainties in the expected signal and background yields added in quadrature. The vertical bars on the data points represent the statistical uncertainties.

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Figure 1-d:
The predicted and observed distributions of the ΔRmin(j,j) variable for +jets events in the 0 b tagged jet category. The distributions from data are compared to the sum of the expectations for the signal and backgrounds prior to any fit. The QCD multijet background is estimated from data (see Section 5.1). The cross-hatched band represents the statistical and the integrated luminosity uncertainties in the expected signal and background yields added in quadrature. The vertical bars on the data points represent the statistical uncertainties.

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Figure 1-e:
The predicted and observed distributions of the ΔRmin(j,j) variable for +jets events in the 1 b tagged jet category. The distributions from data are compared to the sum of the expectations for the signal and backgrounds prior to any fit. The QCD multijet background is estimated from data (see Section 5.1). The cross-hatched band represents the statistical and the integrated luminosity uncertainties in the expected signal and background yields added in quadrature. The vertical bars on the data points represent the statistical uncertainties.

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Figure 1-f:
The predicted and observed distributions of the ΔRmin(j,j) variable for +jets events in the 2 b tagged jet category. The distributions from data are compared to the sum of the expectations for the signal and backgrounds prior to any fit. The QCD multijet background is estimated from data (see Section 5.1). The cross-hatched band represents the statistical and the integrated luminosity uncertainties in the expected signal and background yields added in quadrature. The vertical bars on the data points represent the statistical uncertainties.

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Figure 2:
Left: The 68% CL contour obtained from the scan of the likelihood in +jets analysis, as a function of μ and SFb in the +jets analysis. The solid (dashed) contour refers to the result from data (expectation from simulation). The solid (hollow) diamond represents the observed fit result (SM expectation). Right: Summary of the signal strengths separately obtained in the e+jets and μ+jets channels, and after their combination in the +jets channel. The results of the analysis from the distributions are compared to those from the cross-check analysis with event counting (Count). The inner (outer) bars correspond to the statistical (total) uncertainty in the signal strengths.

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Figure 2-a:
The 68% CL contour obtained from the scan of the likelihood in +jets analysis, as a function of μ and SFb in the +jets analysis. The solid (dashed) contour refers to the result from data (expectation from simulation). The solid (hollow) diamond represents the observed fit result (SM expectation).

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Figure 2-b:
Summary of the signal strengths separately obtained in the e+jets and μ+jets channels, and after their combination in the +jets channel. The results of the analysis from the distributions are compared to those from the cross-check analysis with event counting (Count). The inner (outer) bars correspond to the statistical (total) uncertainty in the signal strengths.

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Figure 3:
Predicted and observed distributions of the (upper row) jet multiplicity and scalar pT sum of all jets (HT) for events passing the dilepton criteria, and of the (lower row) invariant mass and pT of the lepton pair after requiring at least two jets, in the e±μ channel. The Z/γ and non-W/Z backgrounds are determined from data (see Section 6.2). The cross-hatched band represents the statistical and integrated luminosity uncertainties in the expected signal and background yields added in quadrature. The vertical bars on the data points represent the statistical uncertainties. The last bin of the distributions contains the overflow events.

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Figure 3-a:
Predicted and observed distributions of the jet multiplicity for events passing the dilepton criteria. The Z/γ and non-W/Z backgrounds are determined from data (see Section 6.2). The cross-hatched band represents the statistical and integrated luminosity uncertainties in the expected signal and background yields added in quadrature. The vertical bars on the data points represent the statistical uncertainties. The last bin of the distribution contains the overflow events.

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Figure 3-b:
Predicted and observed distributions of the scalar pT sum of all jets (HT) for events passing the dilepton criteria. The Z/γ and non-W/Z backgrounds are determined from data (see Section 6.2). The cross-hatched band represents the statistical and integrated luminosity uncertainties in the expected signal and background yields added in quadrature. The vertical bars on the data points represent the statistical uncertainties. The last bin of the distribution contains the overflow events.

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Figure 3-c:
Predicted and observed distributions of the invariant mass of the lepton pair after requiring at least two jets, in the e±μ channel. The Z/γ and non-W/Z backgrounds are determined from data (see Section 6.2). The cross-hatched band represents the statistical and integrated luminosity uncertainties in the expected signal and background yields added in quadrature. The vertical bars on the data points represent the statistical uncertainties. The last bin of the distribution contains the overflow events.

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Figure 3-d:
Predicted and observed distributions of the pT of the lepton pair after requiring at least two jets, in the e±μ channel. The Z/γ and non-W/Z backgrounds are determined from data (see Section 6.2). The cross-hatched band represents the statistical and integrated luminosity uncertainties in the expected signal and background yields added in quadrature. The vertical bars on the data points represent the statistical uncertainties. The last bin of the distribution contains the overflow events.

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Figure 4:
Predicted and observed distributions of the (left) pTmiss in events passing the dilepton criteria and Z boson veto, and of the (right) invariant mass of the lepton pair after the pTmiss> 35 GeV requirement in the μ±μ channel. The cross-hatched band represents the statistical and integrated luminosity uncertainties in the expected signal and background yields added in quadrature. The vertical bars on the data points represent the statistical uncertainties. The last bin of the distributions contains the overflow events.

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Figure 4-a:
Predicted and observed distributions of the pTmiss in events passing the dilepton criteria and Z boson veto in the μ±μ channel. The cross-hatched band represents the statistical and integrated luminosity uncertainties in the expected signal and background yields added in quadrature. The vertical bars on the data points represent the statistical uncertainties. The last bin of the distributions contains the overflow events.

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Figure 4-b:
Predicted and observed distributions of the invariant mass of the lepton pair after the pTmiss> 35 GeV requirement in the μ±μ channel. The cross-hatched band represents the statistical and integrated luminosity uncertainties in the expected signal and background yields added in quadrature. The vertical bars on the data points represent the statistical uncertainties. The last bin of the distributions contains the overflow events.

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Figure 5:
Inclusive σtˉt in pp collisions as a function of the center-of-mass energy; previous CMS measurements at s= 7, 8 [5,6], and 13 [9,10] TeV in the separate +jets and dilepton channels are displayed, along with the combined measurement at 5.02 TeV from this analysis. The NNLO+NNLL theoretical prediction [33] using the NNPDF3.0 [13] PDF set with αs(MZ)= 0.118 and mtop= 172.5 GeV is shown in the main plot. In the inset, additional predictions at s= 5.02 TeV using the MMHT14 [53], CT14 [54], and ABMP16 [55] PDF sets, the latter with αs(MZ)= 0.115 and mtop= 170.4 GeV, are compared, along with the NNPDF3.0 prediction, to the individual and combined results from this analysis. The vertical bars and bands represent the total uncertainties in the data and in the predictions, respectively.

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Figure 6:
The relative uncertainties in the gluon distribution function of the proton as a function of x at μ2F=105 GeV2 from a QCD analysis using the HERA DIS and CMS muon charge asymmetry measurements (hatched area), and also including the CMS σtˉt results at s= 5.02 TeV (solid area). The relative uncertainties are found after the two gluon distributions have been normalized to unity. The solid line shows the ratio of the gluon distribution function found from the fit with the CMS σtˉt measurements included to that found without.

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Table 1:
The number of expected background and signal events and the observed event yields in the different b tag categories for the e+jets and μ+jets analyses, prior to the fit. With the exception of the QCD multijet estimate, for which the total uncertainty is reported, the uncertainties reflect the statistical uncertainty in the simulated samples.

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Table 2:
Estimated impact of each source of uncertainty in the value of μ extracted from the analysis of distributions, and in the cross-check from event counting. The "Other background'' component includes the contributions from Z/γ, tW, and WV events. The total uncertainty is obtained by adding in quadrature the statistical, experimental systematic, and theoretical uncertainties. The individual experimental uncertainties are obtained by repeating the fit after fixing one nuisance parameter at a time at its post-fit uncertainty (±1 standard deviation) value. The values quoted have been symmetrized.

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Table 3:
The predicted and observed numbers of dilepton events obtained after applying the full selection. The values are given for the individual sources of background, tˉt signal, and data. The uncertainties correspond to the statistical component.

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Table 4:
Summary of the individual contributions to the systematic uncertainty in the σtˉt measurements for the dilepton channels. The relative uncertainties Δσtˉt/σtˉt (in%), as well as absolute uncertainties in σtˉt, Δσtˉt (in pb), are presented. The statistical and total uncertainties are also given, where the latter are the quadrature sum of the statistical and systematic uncertainties.

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Table 5:
Partial χ2 per number of data points, ndp, and the global χ2 per degrees of freedom, ndof, as obtained in the QCD analysis of DIS data, the CMS muon charge asymmetry measurements, and the σtˉt results at s= 5.02 TeV from this analysis. For the HERA measurements, the energy of the proton beam (Ep) is listed for each data set, with the electron/positron energy of 27.5 GeV. The correlated part of the global χ2 value is also given.
The first measurement of the top quark pair (tˉt) production cross section in pp collisions at s= 5.02 TeV is presented for events with one or two leptons and at least two jets, using a data sample collected by the CMS experiment, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 27.4 ± 0.6 pb1 . The final measurement is obtained from the combination of the measurements in the individual channels. The result is σtˉt= 69.5 ± 6.1 (stat) ± 5.6 (syst) ± 1.6 (lumi) pb, with a total relative uncertainty of 12%, which is consistent with the standard model prediction. The impact of the measured tˉt cross section in the determination of the parton distribution functions of the proton is studied in a quantum chromodynamics analysis at next-to-next-to-leading order. A moderate decrease of the uncertainty in the gluon distribution is observed at high values of x, the fractional momentum of the proton carried by the gluon.
Additional Figures

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Additional Figure 1:
Inclusive σtˉt in pp collisions as a function of the center-of-mass energy; previous CMS measurements at s= 7, 8 [5,6], and 13 [9,10] TeV in the separate +jets and dilepton channels are displayed, along with the combined measurement at 5.02 TeV from this analysis. The NNLO+NNLL theoretical prediction [34] using the NNPDF3.0 [14] PDF set with αs(MZ)= 0.118 and mtop= 172.5 GeV is shown in the main plot. In the inset, additional predictions at s= 5.02 TeV using the MMHT14 [54], CT14 [55], and ABMP16 [56] PDF sets, the latter with αs(MZ)= 0.115 and mtop= 170.4 GeV, are compared, along with the NNPDF3.0 prediction, to the individual and combined results from this analysis. The vertical bars and bands represent the total uncertainties in the data and in the predictions, respectively.

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Additional Figure 2:
Summary of the impacts and pulls of the most significant nuisance parameters used in the count analysis (left) and in the analysis of distributions (right), when the fit is performed to the Asimov dataset. In each plot the left panel shows the post-fit pull (value and uncertainty) of each nuisance, while the right panel displays the estimated impact on the fit for the signal strength. Only the first thirty nuisances are displayed, being their name shown at each row of the plots.

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Additional Figure 2-a:
Summary of the impacts and pulls of the most significant nuisance parameters used in the count analysis, when the fit is performed to the Asimov dataset. The left panel shows the post-fit pull (value and uncertainty) of each nuisance, while the right panel displays the estimated impact on the fit for the signal strength. Only the first thirty nuisances are displayed, being their name shown at each row of the plot.

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Additional Figure 2-b:
Summary of the impacts and pulls of the most significant nuisance parameters used in the analysis of distributions, when the fit is performed to the Asimov dataset. The left panel shows the post-fit pull (value and uncertainty) of each nuisance, while the right panel displays the estimated impact on the fit for the signal strength. Only the first thirty nuisances are displayed, being their name shown at each row of the plot.
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Compact Muon Solenoid