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CMS-SUS-23-015 ; CERN-EP-2024-310
Search for new physics in jet scaling patterns of multilepton events at s= 13 TeV
Submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett.
Abstract: A first search for beyond the standard model physics in jet scaling patterns of multilepton events is presented, using a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 138 fb1 of 13 TeV proton-proton collisions recorded by the CMS detector at the LHC. The search uses observed jet multiplicity distributions in one-, two-, and four-lepton events to explore possible enhancements in jet production rate in three-lepton events with and without bottom quarks. The data are found to be consistent with the standard model expectation. The results are interpreted in terms of supersymmetric production of electroweak chargino-neutralino superpartners with cascade decays terminating in prompt hadronic R-parity violating interactions.
Figures Summary References CMS Publications

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Figure 1:
Distributions of jet multiplicity in a W-enriched selection of one-lepton events (left), a Z-enriched selection of two-lepton OnZ events (center), and a WZ-enriched selection of three-lepton OnZ events (right, search region) prior to corrections. The lower panels show the ratio of observed events (Data) to the total background prediction (Bkg.), with the gray bands representing the statistical uncertainty (Unc.) in the predictions. SM background predictions fall short of the observations in all cases for higher jet multiplicities. Expected RPVq (m˜χ±1=m˜χ02= 350 GeV, m˜χ01= 150 GeV) signal distributions are overlaid for comparison.

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Figure 1-a:
Distributions of jet multiplicity in a W-enriched selection of one-lepton events (left), a Z-enriched selection of two-lepton OnZ events (center), and a WZ-enriched selection of three-lepton OnZ events (right, search region) prior to corrections. The lower panels show the ratio of observed events (Data) to the total background prediction (Bkg.), with the gray bands representing the statistical uncertainty (Unc.) in the predictions. SM background predictions fall short of the observations in all cases for higher jet multiplicities. Expected RPVq (m˜χ±1=m˜χ02= 350 GeV, m˜χ01= 150 GeV) signal distributions are overlaid for comparison.

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Figure 1-b:
Distributions of jet multiplicity in a W-enriched selection of one-lepton events (left), a Z-enriched selection of two-lepton OnZ events (center), and a WZ-enriched selection of three-lepton OnZ events (right, search region) prior to corrections. The lower panels show the ratio of observed events (Data) to the total background prediction (Bkg.), with the gray bands representing the statistical uncertainty (Unc.) in the predictions. SM background predictions fall short of the observations in all cases for higher jet multiplicities. Expected RPVq (m˜χ±1=m˜χ02= 350 GeV, m˜χ01= 150 GeV) signal distributions are overlaid for comparison.

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Figure 1-c:
Distributions of jet multiplicity in a W-enriched selection of one-lepton events (left), a Z-enriched selection of two-lepton OnZ events (center), and a WZ-enriched selection of three-lepton OnZ events (right, search region) prior to corrections. The lower panels show the ratio of observed events (Data) to the total background prediction (Bkg.), with the gray bands representing the statistical uncertainty (Unc.) in the predictions. SM background predictions fall short of the observations in all cases for higher jet multiplicities. Expected RPVq (m˜χ±1=m˜χ02= 350 GeV, m˜χ01= 150 GeV) signal distributions are overlaid for comparison.

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Figure 2:
Example search region distributions of jet multiplicity with Nb= 0 (left) as well as ST in four-jet bins with Nb= 0 (center) and Nb 1 (right). The lower panels show the ratio of observed events (Data) to the total background prediction (Bkg.), with the gray bands representing the sum of statistical (left), or statistical and systematic (center and right) uncertainties (Unc.) in the predictions. The expected background jet multiplicity distribution is obtained after applying the data driven corrections, whereas the ST distributions and the uncertainties are obtained after also performing the binned maximum likelihood fit to the data under the background-only hypothesis. Expected RPVq and RPVb (m˜χ±1=m˜χ02= 350 GeV with m˜χ01= 150 and 50 GeV, respectively) signal distributions are overlaid for comparison.

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Figure 2-a:
Example search region distributions of jet multiplicity with Nb= 0 (left) as well as ST in four-jet bins with Nb= 0 (center) and Nb 1 (right). The lower panels show the ratio of observed events (Data) to the total background prediction (Bkg.), with the gray bands representing the sum of statistical (left), or statistical and systematic (center and right) uncertainties (Unc.) in the predictions. The expected background jet multiplicity distribution is obtained after applying the data driven corrections, whereas the ST distributions and the uncertainties are obtained after also performing the binned maximum likelihood fit to the data under the background-only hypothesis. Expected RPVq and RPVb (m˜χ±1=m˜χ02= 350 GeV with m˜χ01= 150 and 50 GeV, respectively) signal distributions are overlaid for comparison.

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Figure 2-b:
Example search region distributions of jet multiplicity with Nb= 0 (left) as well as ST in four-jet bins with Nb= 0 (center) and Nb 1 (right). The lower panels show the ratio of observed events (Data) to the total background prediction (Bkg.), with the gray bands representing the sum of statistical (left), or statistical and systematic (center and right) uncertainties (Unc.) in the predictions. The expected background jet multiplicity distribution is obtained after applying the data driven corrections, whereas the ST distributions and the uncertainties are obtained after also performing the binned maximum likelihood fit to the data under the background-only hypothesis. Expected RPVq and RPVb (m˜χ±1=m˜χ02= 350 GeV with m˜χ01= 150 and 50 GeV, respectively) signal distributions are overlaid for comparison.

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Figure 2-c:
Example search region distributions of jet multiplicity with Nb= 0 (left) as well as ST in four-jet bins with Nb= 0 (center) and Nb 1 (right). The lower panels show the ratio of observed events (Data) to the total background prediction (Bkg.), with the gray bands representing the sum of statistical (left), or statistical and systematic (center and right) uncertainties (Unc.) in the predictions. The expected background jet multiplicity distribution is obtained after applying the data driven corrections, whereas the ST distributions and the uncertainties are obtained after also performing the binned maximum likelihood fit to the data under the background-only hypothesis. Expected RPVq and RPVb (m˜χ±1=m˜χ02= 350 GeV with m˜χ01= 150 and 50 GeV, respectively) signal distributions are overlaid for comparison.

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Figure 3:
The 95% confidence level upper limits on the RPVq (left) and RPVb (right) signal production cross sections as a function of m˜χ±1=m˜χ02 and m˜χ01. Contour lines indicate the observed (bold solid) and median expected (bold dashed) boundaries with 1 standard deviation (s.d.) as well as the 68% expected bands (thin dashed), where the latter on the observed contour line is due to the theoretical uncertainty on the signal production cross section.

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Figure 3-a:
The 95% confidence level upper limits on the RPVq (left) and RPVb (right) signal production cross sections as a function of m˜χ±1=m˜χ02 and m˜χ01. Contour lines indicate the observed (bold solid) and median expected (bold dashed) boundaries with 1 standard deviation (s.d.) as well as the 68% expected bands (thin dashed), where the latter on the observed contour line is due to the theoretical uncertainty on the signal production cross section.

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Figure 3-b:
The 95% confidence level upper limits on the RPVq (left) and RPVb (right) signal production cross sections as a function of m˜χ±1=m˜χ02 and m˜χ01. Contour lines indicate the observed (bold solid) and median expected (bold dashed) boundaries with 1 standard deviation (s.d.) as well as the 68% expected bands (thin dashed), where the latter on the observed contour line is due to the theoretical uncertainty on the signal production cross section.
In summary, the first search for beyond the standard model physics in jet multiplicity distributions of multilepton events has been performed using proton-proton collision data collected with the CMS detector at s= 13 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 138 fb1. No deviations from standard model expectations have been observed and the first direct bounds are set on a class of supersymmetric models populating final states with jets and three leptons.
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Compact Muon Solenoid