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CMS-PRF-18-002 ; CERN-EP-2020-180
The very forward CASTOR calorimeter of the CMS experiment
JINST 16 (2021) P02010
Abstract: The physics motivation, detector design, triggers, calibration, alignment, simulation, and overall performance of the very forward CASTOR calorimeter of the CMS experiment are reviewed. The CASTOR Cherenkov sampling calorimeter is located very close to the LHC beam line, at a radial distance of about 1 cm from the beam pipe, and at 14.4 m from the CMS interaction point, covering the pseudorapidity range of 6.6<η<5.2. It was designed to withstand high ambient radiation and strong magnetic fields. The performance of the detector in measurements of forward energy density, jets, and processes characterized by rapidity gaps, is reviewed using data collected in proton and nuclear collisions at the LHC.
Figures & Tables Summary References CMS Publications

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Figure 1:
Picture of the forward region of the CMS experiment with the two half-cylinders of the CASTOR calorimeter (indicated by an arrow) visible in the zone where the collar shielding (orange) structures are open. The green cylindrical structure in the foreground belongs to the target absorber region. The massive shielding around the calorimeter is in the open position. The two half-cylinders of CASTOR are not yet closed around the LHC beam pipe that is visible emerging from the target absorber region in the foreground and disappearing towards the IP inside the CMS detector.

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Figure 2:
Left: Closeup image of the CASTOR calorimeter surrounded by the CMS collar shielding in the open position during an integration test, about 5 m below the beam pipe. Right: Visualization of the CASTOR detector integrated around the beam pipe. The CMS interaction point is at 14.4 m upstream (towards the upper right). The TOTEM T2 tracking station, and several pieces of LHC/CMS infrastructure, are visible along this direction.

Figure 2-a:
Closeup image of the CASTOR calorimeter surrounded by the CMS collar shielding in the open position during an integration test, about 5 m below the beam pipe.

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Figure 2-b:
Visualization of the CASTOR detector integrated around the beam pipe. The CMS interaction point is at 14.4 m upstream (towards the upper right). The TOTEM T2 tracking station, and several pieces of LHC/CMS infrastructure, are visible along this direction.

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Figure 3:
Left: Comparison of the pseudorapidity acceptances of all the LHC experiments [30,31,32,33,34]. The ATLAS ALFA and CMS TOTEM proton spectrometers ("Roman pots'') installed inside the beam tunnel at 200 m around IPs 1 and 5 are not plotted. The TOTEM forward tracking T1 and T2 telescopes [34] are individually identified. Right: Kinematic coverage in the parton fractional momentum x and momentum transfer Q2 plane corresponding to the CASTOR detector, the central CMS/ATLAS [30,31], the LHCb [33], and the DESY HERA [35,36] experiments.

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Figure 3-a:
Comparison of the pseudorapidity acceptances of all the LHC experiments [30,31,32,33,34]. The ATLAS ALFA and CMS TOTEM proton spectrometers ("Roman pots'') installed inside the beam tunnel at 200 m around IPs 1 and 5 are not plotted. The TOTEM forward tracking T1 and T2 telescopes [34] are individually identified.

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Figure 3-b:
Kinematic coverage in the parton fractional momentum x and momentum transfer Q2 plane corresponding to the CASTOR detector, the central CMS/ATLAS [30,31], the LHCb [33], and the DESY HERA [35,36] experiments.

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Figure 4:
Schematics of one CASTOR readout module, illustrating the signal production mechanism. Each module consists of five quartz and five tungsten absorber plates, an air-core light guide, and a PMT photosensor. Incident particles develop a shower in the tungsten absorber, and Cherenkov light is produced in the interleaved quartz plates. Total internal reflection transports very efficiently the Cherenkov photons through the quartz and the air light-guide to the PMT. One tower consists of 14 such modules. Note that six tungsten plates are visible here since the air light-guides are attached on top of the tungsten plates between neighboring modules.

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Figure 5:
Observed loss of sensitivity of the CASTOR photocathodes, attributed to the aging of the borosilicate PMT windows, during the 2011 high-intensity proton-proton LHC operation. The relative loss of the signal (normalized to its original strength) is plotted as a function of integrated luminosity. The uncertainties indicate the RMS of the respective 48 PMTs involved in the measurement (3 modules times 16 towers).

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Figure 6:
Impact of the CMS magnet on the signals observed in the CASTOR calorimeter in the (z,ϕ) plane for 2010 pp minimum-bias (left) and 2016 LED pulser (right) data. The numerical values at each bin correspond to the ratio of signals measured at 3.8 T over those at 0 T. The channels in gray have normalized signals below 0.2, or are excluded for technical reasons.

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Figure 6-a:
Impact of the CMS magnet on the signals observed in the CASTOR calorimeter in the (z,ϕ) plane for 2010 pp minimum-bias data. The numerical values at each bin correspond to the ratio of signals measured at 3.8 T over those at 0 T. The channels in gray have normalized signals below 0.2, or are excluded for technical reasons.

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Figure 6-b:
Impact of the CMS magnet on the signals observed in the CASTOR calorimeter in the (z,ϕ) plane for 2016 LED pulser data. The numerical values at each bin correspond to the ratio of signals measured at 3.8 T over those at 0 T. The channels in gray have normalized signals below 0.2, or are excluded for technical reasons.

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Figure 7:
Validation of the electron/gamma (EG) tag (left) and the hadron veto (right) triggers in pPb collisions at sNN= 5.02 TeV. Shown are density distributions of the number of events with digitized signals (in fC) in pairs of towers in one octant. A trigger is issued for each pair of towers when the logical condition "EG tag Hadron veto'' is met. The number of events that (do not) produce a trigger signal are in blue (red). At very small signals, one can see additional quantization effects from the nonlinear behavior of the QIE digitizers.

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Figure 7-a:
Validation of the electron/gamma (EG) tag triggers in pPb collisions at sNN= 5.02 TeV. Shown are density distributions of the number of events with digitized signals (in fC) in pairs of towers in one octant. A trigger is issued for each pair of towers when the logical condition "EG tag Hadron veto'' is met. The number of events that (do not) produce a trigger signal are in blue (red). At very small signals, one can see additional quantization effects from the nonlinear behavior of the QIE digitizers.

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Figure 7-b:
Validation of the hadron veto triggers in pPb collisions at sNN= 5.02 TeV. Shown are density distributions of the number of events with digitized signals (in fC) in pairs of towers in one octant. A trigger is issued for each pair of towers when the logical condition "EG tag Hadron veto'' is met. The number of events that (do not) produce a trigger signal are in blue (red). At very small signals, one can see additional quantization effects from the nonlinear behavior of the QIE digitizers.

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Figure 8:
Detector-level pT distribution of isolated electron candidates recorded in proton-lead collisions in 2013 with a dedicated trigger [65]. It is a unique feature that the pT of these electrons can be precisely determined since the angles of their associated tracks are measured with the TOTEM T2 tracker. The uncertainties are purely statistical.

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Figure 9:
Performance of the CASTOR jet trigger in pp collisions during the LHC Run 2. Left: Trigger efficiency turn-on curve in data and simulations generated with the PYTHIA 8 [67] with the MBR tune [68]. Right: Number of jets as a function of Ejet collected with the CMS zero-bias and CASTOR jet triggers. In both figures the uncertainties are statistical only.

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Figure 9-a:
Performance of the CASTOR jet trigger in pp collisions during the LHC Run 2: Trigger efficiency turn-on curve in data and simulations generated with the PYTHIA 8 [67] with the MBR tune [68]. The uncertainties are statistical only.

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Figure 9-b:
Performance of the CASTOR jet trigger in pp collisions during the LHC Run 2: Number of jets as a function of Ejet collected with the CMS zero-bias and CASTOR jet triggers. The uncertainties are statistical only.

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Figure 10:
Left: Typical example of a pulse shape in CASTOR showing the energy (in nC) distributed over several time slices, in data recorded in March 2011 using minimum-bias pp collisions at s= 2.76 TeV (the shaded area of the pulse is used to derive the signal energy in the event reconstruction). Right: Ratio of the second-largest (TS5) to largest (TS4) signal time bin for one typical CASTOR channel. The small scale structure in this ratio of neighboring bins apparent for TS4+TS5 larger than 100 GeV is a feature of the QIE digitizer. Saturation is visible at very high signals, but before saturation sets in, the signal ratio has a stable region (in red) that is used to estimate the channel signal at higher energies.

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Figure 10-a:
Typical example of a pulse shape in CASTOR showing the energy (in nC) distributed over several time slices, in data recorded in March 2011 using minimum-bias pp collisions at s= 2.76 TeV (the shaded area of the pulse is used to derive the signal energy in the event reconstruction).

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Figure 10-b:
Ratio of the second-largest (TS5) to largest (TS4) signal time bin for one typical CASTOR channel. The small scale structure in this ratio of neighboring bins apparent for TS4+TS5 larger than 100 GeV is a feature of the QIE digitizer. Saturation is visible at very high signals, but before saturation sets in, the signal ratio has a stable region (in red) that is used to estimate the channel signal at higher energies.

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Figure 11:
Average CASTOR tower energies, as a function of their azimuthal separation from the reconstructed jet axis (reconstructed with the anti-kT algorithm with R= 0.5) measured in data (squares) and in minimum-bias PYTHIA 8 and Epos-LHC MC simulations (histograms) in pp collisions at s= 13 TeV.

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Figure 12:
Charge spectrum for the noisiest capacitor of a typical CASTOR channel (tower 12, module 12) for various cathode/last dynode voltage settings (1800/100, 1500/80, and 0/0 V). A Gaussian fit to the data recorded with 0 V is also shown.

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Figure 13:
Distributions of the baseline (upper left) and variances (width σ, upper right; RMS, lower left; and Δσ=RMS-σ, lower right) of the CASTOR pedestals, with 1500 V supplied to the PMTs, from data recorded in 2015.

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Figure 13-a:
Distribution of the baseline of the CASTOR pedestals, with 1500 V supplied to the PMTs, from data recorded in 2015.

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Figure 13-b:
Distribution of the width σ of the CASTOR pedestals, with 1500 V supplied to the PMTs, from data recorded in 2015.

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Figure 13-c:
Distribution of the RMS of the CASTOR pedestals, with 1500 V supplied to the PMTs, from data recorded in 2015.

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Figure 13-d:
Distribution of Δσ=RMS-σ of the CASTOR pedestals, with 1500 V supplied to the PMTs, from data recorded in 2015.

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Figure 14:
Response of the CASTOR PMT in tower 1, module 3 versus the high-voltage setting prior to data taking exposed to LED pulses (left) and in physics events (right). The (statistical) uncertainties are too small to be seen. For the latter, no absolute gain measurement was performed, and the ratio with respect to the gain at the voltage of 950 V is shown. The model fit is of the form g(V)=p0Vp1 with two free parameters p0 and p1.

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Figure 14-a:
Response of the CASTOR PMT in tower 1, module 3 versus the high-voltage setting prior to data taking exposed to LED pulses. The (statistical) uncertainties are too small to be seen. The model fit is of the form g(V)=p0Vp1 with two free parameters p0 and p1.

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Figure 14-b:
Response of the CASTOR PMT in tower 1, module 3 versus the high-voltage setting in physics events. The (statistical) uncertainties are too small to be seen. No absolute gain measurement was performed, and the ratio with respect to the gain at the voltage of 950 V is shown. The model fit is of the form g(V)=p0Vp1 with two free parameters p0 and p1.

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Figure 15:
Distributions of the weighed difference of gains, Δg=(g1g2)/σ2g1+σ2g2, for two sets of correction factors obtained with two different methods, fitted to a Gaussian function. The uncertainties are statistical only. Left: Comparison of LED and PMT characterization methods at B= 0 T for muon halo and proton physics HV settings in 2016. Right: Comparison of LED and physics events methods for muon halo and heavy ion physics HV settings at B= 3.8 T. Note that in both distributions the number of entries differs from 224 since only a subset of all channels has valid data available in both measurements. The boxes show the parameters of the red Gaussian fit.

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Figure 15-a:
Distribution of the weighed difference of gains, Δg=(g1g2)/σ2g1+σ2g2, for two sets of correction factors obtained with two different methods, fitted to a Gaussian function: Comparison of LED and PMT characterization methods at B= 0 T for muon halo and proton physics HV settings in 2016. The uncertainties are statistical only. Note that the number of entries differs from 224 since only a subset of all channels has valid data available. The boxes show the parameters of the red Gaussian fit.

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Figure 15-b:
Distribution of the weighed difference of gains, Δg=(g1g2)/σ2g1+σ2g2, for two sets of correction factors obtained with two different methods, fitted to a Gaussian function: Comparison of LED and physics events methods for muon halo and heavy ion physics HV settings at B= 3.8 T. The uncertainties are statistical only. Note that the number of entries differs from 224 since only a subset of all channels has valid data available. The boxes show the parameters of the red Gaussian fit.

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Figure 16:
Schematic front view of CASTOR indicating its 16 towers. In this example event a muon candidate is identified in the blue tower. The calorimeter noise is then updated from the same event in the red towers.

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Figure 17:
Visualization of the main parameters of the iterative offline muon event selection process: Average muon signal (black circles), average noise (turquoise squares), number of muon candidates (blue triangles), and number of bad channels (red inverted triangles) versus number of iterations. The progress is mainly steered by first adjusting the number of bad (noisy) channels. The muon and noise responses quickly converge to stable levels. In the last four iterations, global parameters of the procedure are fine tuned. The shown uncertainties are statistical only, however, they are highly correlated in each graph.

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Figure 18:
Example of a reconstructed halo muon event in the tower (ϕ) vs. module (z) plane recorded during the proton-lead run period in 2016; channels are zero suppressed at the 2σ noise level.

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Figure 19:
Signal spectrum for a typical CASTOR channel after an offline isolated muon event selection. The data were recorded in June 2015 with proton beams and CMS magnet at 0 T. The dedicated muon high-voltage setting is used. The uncertainties on the measured data are statistical only. The overlaid noise distribution is measured from noncolliding bunch data. The model line corresponds to a simplified mesh-type PMT with 15 dynodes, amplification/dynode of 2.65, and dynode-miss probability of 0.21, for an average number of photoelectrons <Np.e.>= 0.58.

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Figure 20:
Relative muon response averaged over all channels versus time. Shown is the average of the channel-by-channel ratios relative to the 2013 data. The vertical bars indicate the RMS of the distributions. All of the distributions are found to be consistent with a Gaussian shape.

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Figure 21:
Pseudorapidity dependence of the forward energy flow in pp collisions at s= 7 TeV measured in HF [15] and CASTOR, compared to MC simulations extrapolated to CASTOR. The uncertainties on the data are dominated by systematic effects. For the CASTOR datum the horizontal error bar indicates the η range of the calorimeter.

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Figure 22:
Left: Impact of a pseudorapidity shift Δη (due to a transverse CASTOR detector displacement ΔR) on the energy response for simulated pp collisions at s= 13 TeV. Right: Distribution of the ratio between reconstructed and true energy measured in pp minimum-bias simulations generated with PYTHIA 8 (CUETP8M1 tune). The average of about 0.6 is due to the noncompensating properties of CASTOR. The yellow error band indicates the uncertainty due to the alignment.

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Figure 22-a:
Impact of a pseudorapidity shift Δη (due to a transverse CASTOR detector displacement ΔR) on the energy response for simulated pp collisions at s= 13 TeV.

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Figure 22-b:
Distribution of the ratio between reconstructed and true energy measured in pp minimum-bias simulations generated with PYTHIA 8 (CUETP8M1 tune). The average of about 0.6 is due to the noncompensating properties of CASTOR. The yellow error band indicates the uncertainty due to the alignment.

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Figure 23:
Infrared distance sensor calibration data in the (x,y) plane. Shown is the measured response during a bidimensional position scan in front of a beam pipe mockup. The used sensors do not work for very close proximities to the beam pipe due to self-shadowing effects, however, this is well outside of the range where the sensors are used in CMS. This effect can be seen in the calibration data at x=0 and close to y=30mm.

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Figure 24:
Illustration of the global fit result of the position of both CASTOR halves in the (x,y) plane. The beam pipe is indicated as a dashed circle. The measured distances of the sensors are shown as lines attached to the round markers that indicate the reconstructed sensor positions. The potentiometer sensors are not shown here but are also used as constraints for the alignment.

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Figure 25:
Left: Noise distribution of e.m.\ clusters in data used for the alignment of CASTOR with TOTEM T2 tracks, measured with a random trigger in pPb events with no collisions [65]. The RMS of the distribution is <1 GeV ; the uncertainties are statistical only. Right: Intersection points in the (x,y) plane of measured single isolated T2 tracks (electron candidates) on the CASTOR front surface. The alternating colors indicate for each track the corresponding active tower that was used to identify the electron and measure its energy. Electron candidates are selected by a single T2 track, in combination with a single CASTOR e.m. cluster above 10 GeV, with all other towers are below 5 GeV [65]. The plotted contours of the two halves of CASTOR represent their optimal positions as derived from this analysis.

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Figure 25-a:
Noise distribution of e.m.\ clusters in data used for the alignment of CASTOR with TOTEM T2 tracks, measured with a random trigger in pPb events with no collisions [65]. The RMS of the distribution is <1 GeV ; the uncertainties are statistical only.

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Figure 25-b:
Intersection points in the (x,y) plane of measured single isolated T2 tracks (electron candidates) on the CASTOR front surface. The alternating colors indicate for each track the corresponding active tower that was used to identify the electron and measure its energy. Electron candidates are selected by a single T2 track, in combination with a single CASTOR e.m. cluster above 10 GeV, with all other towers are below 5 GeV [65]. The plotted contours of the two halves of CASTOR represent their optimal positions as derived from this analysis.

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Figure 26:
Visualization of the CASTOR detector geometry in simulations. The inner trapezoids in darker blue are the active volumes, while the outer volumes describe the light guides and the PMTs. The near and far halves are placed at the measured position corresponding to the data taking in 2013. An opening of 2.2 cm along the x-axis is visible between the two halves.

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Figure 27:
Comparison of detector simulations (circles) to test-beam measurements (triangles). Resolution of electron energy reconstruction (left), and observed charged pion/electron response ratio (right) as a function of test-beam energy. The uncertainties plotted are statistical only, and the fitted curves are shown to guide the eye.

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Figure 27-a:
Comparison of detector simulations (circles) to test-beam measurements (triangles). Resolution of the electron energy reconstruction as a function of test-beam energy. The uncertainties plotted are statistical only, and the fitted curve is shown to guide the eye.

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Figure 27-b:
Comparison of detector simulations (circles) to test-beam measurements (triangles). Resolution of the observed charged pion/electron response ratio as a function of test-beam energy. The uncertainties plotted are statistical only, and the fitted curve is shown to guide the eye.

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Figure 28:
Comparison of the full (blue histogram) and fast (red histogram) simulation responses (number of photoelectrons as a function of detector depth) for charged pion (left) and electron (right) showers penetrating CASTOR with energies from 50 to 100 GeV. Error bars around data points indicate statistical uncertainties.

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Figure 28-a:
Comparison of the full (blue histogram) and fast (red histogram) simulation responses (number of photoelectrons as a function of detector depth) for charged pion showers penetrating CASTOR with energies from 50 to 100 GeV. Error bars around data points indicate statistical uncertainties.

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Figure 28-b:
Comparison of the full (blue histogram) and fast (red histogram) simulation responses (number of photoelectrons as a function of detector depth) for electron showers penetrating CASTOR with energies from 50 to 100 GeV. Error bars around data points indicate statistical uncertainties.

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Figure 29:
Pseudorapidity dependence of reconstructed energies in CASTOR for 50 GeV electrons emitted from the nominal CMS interaction point. The CASTOR simulation includes all CMS passive and active materials and the beam pipe. The dip around η=5.5 corresponds to the projection of the conical beam pipe.

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Figure 30:
CASTOR signal response in calibrated (filled symbols) and uncalibrated (open symbols) data compared to the detector simulations (histograms), projected into the azimuthal (left) and longitudinal (right) direction. Upper: Comparison of minimum-bias pPb collision data recorded in 2013 and 2016 with the Epos-LHC simulations (with the nominal MC geometry). The impact of the magnetic field around module 7 is clearly visible. Lower: Comparison of the minimum-bias pp collision data at s= 13 TeV to the QGSJetII and Epos-LHC (with geometry tuned to the 2015 data alignment) simulations. The CMS magnet was off while taking those data. The uncertainties of the calibrated data in all plots are statistical only, and originate almost entirely from the limited beam halo statistics for intercalibration. There is an additional scaling factor of 1.25 on the uncertainties of the calibrated data, as discussed in the text.

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Figure 30-a:
CASTOR signal response in calibrated (filled symbols) and uncalibrated (open symbols) data compared to the detector simulations (histograms), projected into the azimuthal direction. Comparison of minimum-bias pPb collision data recorded in 2013 and 2016 with the Epos-LHC simulations (with the nominal MC geometry). The impact of the magnetic field around module 7 is clearly visible. The CMS magnet was off while taking those data. The uncertainties of the calibrated data are statistical only, and originate almost entirely from the limited beam halo statistics for intercalibration. There is an additional scaling factor of 1.25 on the uncertainties of the calibrated data, as discussed in the text.

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Figure 30-b:
CASTOR signal response in calibrated (filled symbols) and uncalibrated (open symbols) data compared to the detector simulations (histograms), projected into the longitudinal direction. Comparison of minimum-bias pPb collision data recorded in 2013 and 2016 with the Epos-LHC simulations (with the nominal MC geometry). The impact of the magnetic field around module 7 is clearly visible. The CMS magnet was off while taking those data. The uncertainties of the calibrated data are statistical only, and originate almost entirely from the limited beam halo statistics for intercalibration. There is an additional scaling factor of 1.25 on the uncertainties of the calibrated data, as discussed in the text.

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Figure 30-c:
CASTOR signal response in calibrated (filled symbols) and uncalibrated (open symbols) data compared to the detector simulations (histograms), projected into the azimuthal direction. Comparison of the minimum-bias pp collision data at s= 13 TeV to the QGSJetII and Epos-LHC (with geometry tuned to the 2015 data alignment) simulations. The CMS magnet was off while taking those data. The uncertainties of the calibrated data are statistical only, and originate almost entirely from the limited beam halo statistics for intercalibration. There is an additional scaling factor of 1.25 on the uncertainties of the calibrated data, as discussed in the text.

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Figure 30-d:
CASTOR signal response in calibrated (filled symbols) and uncalibrated (open symbols) data compared to the detector simulations (histograms), projected into the longitudinal direction. Comparison of the minimum-bias pp collision data at s= 13 TeV to the QGSJetII and Epos-LHC (with geometry tuned to the 2015 data alignment) simulations. The CMS magnet was off while taking those data. The uncertainties of the calibrated data are statistical only, and originate almost entirely from the limited beam halo statistics for intercalibration. There is an additional scaling factor of 1.25 on the uncertainties of the calibrated data, as discussed in the text.

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Figure 31:
Measured CASTOR noise distributions for reconstructed physics objects at the channel (upper left), tower (upper right), full-CASTOR (lower left), and jet (lower right) levels. The data are from June 2015 during proton-proton collisions at s= 13 TeV. Towers are normally zero suppressed although, here, towers both with (solid) and without (dashed) zero suppression are shown. Since jets are zero suppressed, the distribution is non-Gaussian, and no RMS values are reported in this case.

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Figure 31-a:
Measured CASTOR noise distributions for reconstructed physics objects at the channel level. The data are from June 2015 during proton-proton collisions at s= 13 TeV.

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Figure 31-b:
Measured CASTOR noise distributions for reconstructed physics objects at the tower level. The data are from June 2015 during proton-proton collisions at s= 13 TeV. Towers are normally zero suppressed although, here, towers both with (solid) and without (dashed) zero suppression are shown.

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Figure 31-c:
Measured CASTOR noise distributions for reconstructed physics objects at the full-CASTOR level. The data are from June 2015 during proton-proton collisions at s= 13 TeV.

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Figure 31-d:
Measured CASTOR noise distributions for reconstructed physics objects at the jet level. The data are from June 2015 during proton-proton collisions at s= 13 TeV. Since jets are zero suppressed, the distribution is non-Gaussian, and no RMS values are reported in this case.

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Table 1:
Overview of the running periods of the CASTOR detector, with indication of the year, colliding system, nucleon-nucleon center-of-mass energy, and the triggers provided to the CMS L1 global trigger system.
The physics motivation, detector design, triggers, calibration, alignment, simulation, and overall performance of the CASTOR calorimeter project have been described. The detector, located in an extremely challenging environment at very forward rapidities in the CMS experiment, has proven to be a valuable apparatus for multiple physics measurements in proton and nuclear collisions at the CERN LHC. The physics motivations for the detector construction, as well as measurements carried out during the Run 1 and 2 operations at the LHC, have been outlined. The overall detector design has been reviewed, emphasizing the features that allow its operation under a significant radiation exposure, required fast optical response, high occupancy, magnetic fields, and severe space constraints.

The calibration of CASTOR is a major challenge. Three different methods (offbeam, onbeam, and LED pulsers) used to set the gain correction factors of the CASTOR photosensors have been reviewed. The absolute energy scale is determined with a total precision of about 17%, which represents the dominant source of systematic uncertainty for many measurements. Despite the difficulties to precisely determine the absolute energy scale of the calorimeter, beam halo muons have proven a valuable tool to intercalibrate all channels, to monitor the stability of the detector, and to determine the noise levels. The alignment of CASTOR, which has an important impact on the calorimeter energy scale, data-simulation agreement, and on the actual detector acceptance, has been surveyed with two types of sensors, and cross-checked with measurements taken concurrently with the TOTEM T2 tracker in front of CASTOR. An alignment precision of the order of 1 mm was achieved.

Different comparisons of the data to Monte Carlo simulations confirm that the reconstructed objects can be used for various physics analyses, from event-type classification to more advanced measurements (jets, single-particle spectra, etc.). Since CASTOR covers a unique phase space at the LHC, and since there are no future plans for the installation of a detector with comparable performance, the exploitation of the recorded data can provide many opportunities for interesting measurements in proton and nuclear collisions at the LHC.
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6 CMS CASTOR Collaboration Design and test beam studies for the CASTOR calorimeter of the CMS experiment NIMA 623 (2010) 225
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15 CMS Collaboration Measurement of energy flow at large pseudorapidities in pp collisions at s= 0.9 and 7 TeV JHEP 11 (2011) 148 CMS-FWD-10-011
16 CMS Collaboration Study of the underlying event at forward rapidity in pp collisions at s= 0.9, 2.76, and 7 TeV JHEP 04 (2013) 072 CMS-FWD-11-003
17 CMS Collaboration Measurement of diffraction dissociation cross sections in pp collisions at s= 7 TeV PRD 92 (2015) 012003 CMS-FSQ-12-005
18 CMS Collaboration Measurement of the inclusive energy spectrum in the very forward direction in proton-proton collisions at s= 13 TeV JHEP 08 (2017) 046 CMS-FSQ-16-002
19 CMS Collaboration Measurement of the energy density as a function of pseudorapidity in proton-proton collisions at s= 13 TeV EPJC 79 (2019) 391 CMS-FSQ-15-006
20 CMS Collaboration Measurement of the inelastic proton-proton cross section at s= 13 TeV JHEP 07 (2018) 161 CMS-FSQ-15-005
21 CMS Collaboration Extraction and validation of a new set of CMS PYTHIA~8 tunes from underlying-event measurements EPJC 80 (2020) 4 CMS-GEN-17-001
22 CMS Collaboration Measurement of the average very forward energy as a function of the track multiplicity at central pseudorapidities in proton-proton collisions at s= 13 TeV EPJC 79 (2019) 893 CMS-FSQ-18-001
23 CMS Collaboration Measurement of inclusive very forward jet cross sections in proton-lead collisions at sNN= 5.02 TeV JHEP 05 (2019) 043 CMS-FSQ-17-001
24 CMS Collaboration Centrality and pseudorapidity dependence of the transverse energy density in pPb collisions at sNN= 5.02 TeV PRC 100 (2019) 024902 CMS-HIN-14-014
25 CMS Collaboration Measurement of exclusive ρ0(770) photoproduction in ultraperipheral pPb collisions at sNN= 5.02 TeV EPJC 79 (2019) 702 CMS-FSQ-16-007
26 CMS Collaboration Measurement of the pseudorapidity and centrality dependence of the very forward energy density in PbPb collisions at 2.76 ATeV CDS
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Compact Muon Solenoid