CMS-HIN-21-004 ; CERN-EP-2023-085 | ||
Study of charm hadronization with prompt Λ+c baryons in proton-proton and lead-lead collisions at √sNN= 5.02 TeV | ||
CMS Collaboration | ||
20 July 2023 | ||
JHEP 01 (2024) 128 | ||
Abstract: The production of prompt Λ+c baryons is measured via the exclusive decay channel Λ+c→pK−π+ at a center-of-mass energy per nucleon pair of 5.02 TeV, using proton-proton (pp) and lead-lead (PbPb) collision data collected by the CMS experiment at the CERN LHC. The pp and PbPb data were obtained in 2017 and 2018 with integrated luminosities of 252 and 0.607 nb−1, respectively. The measurements are performed within the Λ+c rapidity interval |y|< 1 with transverse momentum (pT) ranges of 3-30 and 6-40 GeV/c for pp and PbPb collisions, respectively. Compared to the yields in pp collisions scaled by the expected number of nucleon-nucleon interactions, the observed yields of Λ+c with pT> 10 GeV/c are strongly suppressed in PbPb collisions. The level of suppression depends significantly on the collision centrality. The Λ+c/D0 production ratio is similar in PbPb and pp collisions at pT> 10 GeV/c, suggesting that the coalescence process does not play a dominant role in prompt Λ+c baryon production at higher pT. | ||
Links: e-print arXiv:2307.11186 [hep-ex] (PDF) ; CDS record ; inSPIRE record ; HepData record ; CADI line (restricted) ; |
Figures | |
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Figure 1:
The number of reconstructed Λ+c candidates per 8 MeVcc invariant mass in pp collisions for pT= 3-4 (left) and 20-30 GeV/c (right). The solid line represents the fit to the data and the dashed line represents the fit to the background. The lower panels show the pulls, obtained as the difference between the data points and the fit result, divided by the uncertainty in data. |
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Figure 1-a:
The number of reconstructed Λ+c candidates per 8 MeVcc invariant mass in pp collisions for pT= 3-4 (left) and 20-30 GeV/c (right). The solid line represents the fit to the data and the dashed line represents the fit to the background. The lower panels show the pulls, obtained as the difference between the data points and the fit result, divided by the uncertainty in data. |
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Figure 1-b:
The number of reconstructed Λ+c candidates per 8 MeVcc invariant mass in pp collisions for pT= 3-4 (left) and 20-30 GeV/c (right). The solid line represents the fit to the data and the dashed line represents the fit to the background. The lower panels show the pulls, obtained as the difference between the data points and the fit result, divided by the uncertainty in data. |
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Figure 2:
The number of reconstructed Λ+c candidates per 8 MeV/c invariant mass in PbPb collisions for pT= 6-8 (left) and 30-40 GeV/c (middle) in the 0-90% centrality bin, and for pT= 10-12.5 GeV/c in the 0-10% (right) centrality bin. The solid line represents the fit to the data and the dashed line represents the contribution from the combinatorial background. The lower panels show the pulls, obtained as the difference between the data points and the fit result, divided by the uncertainty in data. |
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Figure 2-a:
The number of reconstructed Λ+c candidates per 8 MeV/c invariant mass in PbPb collisions for pT= 6-8 (left) and 30-40 GeV/c (middle) in the 0-90% centrality bin, and for pT= 10-12.5 GeV/c in the 0-10% (right) centrality bin. The solid line represents the fit to the data and the dashed line represents the contribution from the combinatorial background. The lower panels show the pulls, obtained as the difference between the data points and the fit result, divided by the uncertainty in data. |
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Figure 2-b:
The number of reconstructed Λ+c candidates per 8 MeV/c invariant mass in PbPb collisions for pT= 6-8 (left) and 30-40 GeV/c (middle) in the 0-90% centrality bin, and for pT= 10-12.5 GeV/c in the 0-10% (right) centrality bin. The solid line represents the fit to the data and the dashed line represents the contribution from the combinatorial background. The lower panels show the pulls, obtained as the difference between the data points and the fit result, divided by the uncertainty in data. |
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Figure 2-c:
The number of reconstructed Λ+c candidates per 8 MeV/c invariant mass in PbPb collisions for pT= 6-8 (left) and 30-40 GeV/c (middle) in the 0-90% centrality bin, and for pT= 10-12.5 GeV/c in the 0-10% (right) centrality bin. The solid line represents the fit to the data and the dashed line represents the contribution from the combinatorial background. The lower panels show the pulls, obtained as the difference between the data points and the fit result, divided by the uncertainty in data. |
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Figure 3:
The product of acceptance and efficiency (Aϵ) as a function of pT for prompt Λ+c in pp and PbPb collisions. The closed circles represent the value for pp. The Aϵ values for PbPb collisions in centrality bins 0-90, 0-10, 10-30, 30-50 and 50-90% are represented by symbols of star, square, triangle, inverted triangle, and diamond, respectively. The horizontal error bars represent the bin widths. |
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Figure 4:
The pT-differential cross sections for prompt Λ+c production in pp collisions. Predictions for pp collisions are displayed for PYTHIA 8 with CR2 (open crosses), GM-VFNS implementing fragmentation functions that are fitted to the OPAL data, only (open circles labeled GM-VFNS-1), and fitted to both OPAL and Belle data (open triangles labeled GM-VFNS-2). The GM-VFNS model calculations are for inclusive Λ+c production. The horizontal error bars represent the bin widths. The vertical lines in the data points represent the statistical uncertainties and the shaded boxes represent the systematic uncertainties. The vertical lines in the model points represent the GM-VFNS uncertainties. The lower panel shows the data-to-prediction ratio for pp collisions with error bars and brackets corresponding to the statistical and total uncertainties in the data, respectively. The global fit uncertainty of 8.6% is not shown in the plot. The shaded boxes in the lower panel represent the GM-VFNS uncertainties. |
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Figure 5:
The pT-differential cross sections for prompt Λ+c production in pp collisions (circles) and the TAA-scaled yields for PbPb collisions within centrality regions of 0-90 (stars), 0-10 (squares), 10-30 (triangles), 30-50 (inverted triangles) and 50-90% (diamonds) in PbPb collisions. The boxes and error bars represent the systematic and statistical uncertainties, respectively. The horizontal error bars represent the bin widths. |
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Figure 6:
The nuclear modification factor RAA versus pT for prompt Λ+c production in centrality regions of 0-90 (stars), 0-10 (squares), 10-30 (triangles), 30-50 (inverted triangles) and 50-90% (diamonds) in PbPb collisions. The mean position of the data points are shifted along the horizontal axis for clarity. The boxes and error bars represent the systematic and statistical uncertainties, respectively. The horizontal error bars represent the bin widths. The band at unity labeled global uncertainty includes the uncertainties for the luminosity of pp collisions, the number of MB events in PbPb collisions, and the tracking efficiency. The global uncertainty for RAA is 16.5%. |
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Figure 7:
The ratio of the production cross sections of prompt Λ+c to prompt D0 versus pT from pp collisions is represented by closed circles (left). The ratio for 0-90 (closed stars) and 0-10% (closed squares) centrality classes of PbPb collisions are compared to the pp result (right). The boxes and error bars represent the systematic and statistical uncertainties, respectively. The horizontal error bars represent the bin widths. The 6.6 and 7.3% normalization uncertainties in pp and PbPb collisions, respectively, are not included in the boxes representing the systematic uncertainties for each data point. Model calculations are displayed (see text for details). |
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Figure 7-a:
The ratio of the production cross sections of prompt Λ+c to prompt D0 versus pT from pp collisions is represented by closed circles (left). The ratio for 0-90 (closed stars) and 0-10% (closed squares) centrality classes of PbPb collisions are compared to the pp result (right). The boxes and error bars represent the systematic and statistical uncertainties, respectively. The horizontal error bars represent the bin widths. The 6.6 and 7.3% normalization uncertainties in pp and PbPb collisions, respectively, are not included in the boxes representing the systematic uncertainties for each data point. Model calculations are displayed (see text for details). |
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Figure 7-b:
The ratio of the production cross sections of prompt Λ+c to prompt D0 versus pT from pp collisions is represented by closed circles (left). The ratio for 0-90 (closed stars) and 0-10% (closed squares) centrality classes of PbPb collisions are compared to the pp result (right). The boxes and error bars represent the systematic and statistical uncertainties, respectively. The horizontal error bars represent the bin widths. The 6.6 and 7.3% normalization uncertainties in pp and PbPb collisions, respectively, are not included in the boxes representing the systematic uncertainties for each data point. Model calculations are displayed (see text for details). |
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Figure 8:
The nuclear modification factor RAA vs. pT for Λ+c production in PbPb collisions. Results are shown for the 0-10 (closed squares) and 30-50% (closed circles) centrality ranges. Also shown are the published results from the ALICE Collaboration [27] for the same centrality ranges with open markers. The boxes and error bars represent the statistical and point-to-point systematic uncertainties, respectively. Global systematic uncertainties are indicated by the bands at unity. For CMS (gray band) this includes the uncertainties in the pp collision luminosity, the number of PbPb MB events, and the tracking efficiency. The global systematic uncertainties for the ALICE results (color bands) are shown separately for the two centrality ranges. |
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Figure 9:
The ratio of the production cross sections of prompt Λ+c to prompt D0 versus pT in pp collisions is represented by the closed circles. The ratio for the 0-90 (closed stars) and 0-10% (closed squares) centrality classes in PbPb collisions are compared to the pp result. The boxes and error bars represent the systematic and statistical uncertainties, respectively. The horizontal error bars represent the bin widths. The 6.6 and 7.3% normalization uncertainties in pp and PbPb collisions, respectively, are not included in the boxes representing the systematic uncertainties for each data point. Results from the ALICE Collaboration [27] for PbPb collisions in the 0-10% centrality class are also shown using the open square markers. |
Tables | |
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Table 1:
Systematic uncertainties from different sources. |
Summary |
The differential cross section of prompt Λ+c baryons as a function of transverse momentum (pT) is presented for both proton-proton (pp) and lead-lead (PbPb) collisions at a center-of-mass energy per nucleon pair of 5.02 TeV in the central rapidity region |y|< 1. The measured pT ranges are 3-30 GeV/c and 6-40 GeV/c for the pp and PbPb collisions, respectively. The pT range of the pp and PbPb results, together with the differential centrality study of the prompt Λ+c production, significantly extend previous CMS results based on 2015 data that was obtained with a lower integrated luminosity. The Λ+c baryon yields for pp collisions are much higher than predicted by calculations with the general-mass variable-flavor-number scheme that use fragmentation functions obtained by fitting results from the OPAL and Belle Collaborations, indicating a breakdown of the universality of charm quark fragmentation functions. The nuclear modification factors, which correspond to the Λ+c yields divided by the pp yields scaled up by the number of nucleon-nucleon collisions, have been measured in various centrality classes for the PbPb collisions. The prompt Λ+c production for PbPb collisions is significantly suppressed compared to the pp collision results. The suppression magnitude is larger in more central collisions and shows a hint of varying with the Λ+c baryon pT. This is consistent with the partonic energy loss affecting charm quarks in the quark-gluon plasma. A similar effect was previously observed for (charmed) D0 mesons and many other hadrons. The Λ+c/D0 production ratio is measured for pp collisions with pT in the range 3-30 GeV/c, 0-90% centrality PbPb collisions with pT in the range 6-40 GeV/c, and 0-10% centrality PbPb collisions with pT in the range 10-40 GeV/c. Calculations based on the event generator PYTHIA 8 for the Λ+c/D0 production ratio with the inclusion of color reconnection (mode 2) in the hadronization step can describe the pp data well for pT< 10 GeV/c, but are systematically lower for 10 <pT< 30 GeV/c. A model taking into account the contributions from the decays of excited charm baryons and a model involving both coalescence and fragmentation can also describe the Λ+c/D0 production ratios in pp collisions. For pT> 10 GeV/c, the Λ+c/D0 ratios for pp and PbPb collisions are consistent with each other and approach the value found for e+e− collisions, suggesting that the coalescence process does not play a significant role in Λ+c baryon production in this higher-pT region. |
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Compact Muon Solenoid LHC, CERN |
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