CMS-B2G-20-013 ; CERN-EP-2021-220 | ||
Search for heavy resonances decaying to ZZ or ZW and axion-like particles mediating nonresonant ZZ or ZH production at √s= 13 TeV | ||
CMS Collaboration | ||
27 November 2021 | ||
JHEP 04 (2022) 087 | ||
Abstract: A search has been performed for heavy resonances decaying to ZZ or ZW and for axion-like particles (ALPs) mediating nonresonant ZZ or ZH production, in final states with two charged leptons (ℓ= e, μ) produced by the decay of a Z boson, and two quarks produced by the decay of a Z, W, or Higgs bosonH. The analysis is sensitive to resonances with masses in the range 450 to 1800 GeV. Two categories are defined corresponding to the merged or resolved reconstruction of the hadronically decaying boson. The search is based on data collected during 2016-2018 by the CMS experiment at the LHC in proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 138 fb−1. No significant excess is observed in the data above the standard model background expectation. Upper limits on the production cross section of heavy, narrow spin-2 and spin-1 resonances are derived as functions of the resonance mass, and exclusion limits on the production of bulk graviton particles and W' bosons are calculated in the framework of the warped extra dimensions and heavy vector triplet models, respectively. In addition, upper limits on the ALP-mediated diboson production cross section and ALP couplings to standard model particles are obtained in the framework of linear and chiral effective field theories. These are the first limits on nonresonant ALP-mediated ZZ and ZH production obtained by the LHC experiments. | ||
Links: e-print arXiv:2111.13669 [hep-ex] (PDF) ; CDS record ; inSPIRE record ; HepData record ; CADI line (restricted) ; |
Figures | |
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Figure 1:
Feynman diagrams for the processes gg→ZZ (left) and gg→ZH (right) via an off-shell ALP a∗ in the s channel. |
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Figure 1-a:
Feynman diagrams for the processes gg→ZZ (left) and gg→ZH (right) via an off-shell ALP a∗ in the s channel. |
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Figure 1-b:
Feynman diagrams for the processes gg→ZZ (left) and gg→ZH (right) via an off-shell ALP a∗ in the s channel. |
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Figure 2:
Distributions of the merged jet τ21 (left) and pT after applying the τ21 selection (right) for boosted hadronic V (upper) and H (lower) candidates. The gray band shows the statistical and systematic uncertainties in the background. The background for the τ21 distributions is normalized to the number of events in the data; the background normalization for the jet pT distributions is derived from the final fit to the data. The red dashed histograms correspond to a hypothetical linear (chiral) ALP with 1 TeV−1 couplings to gluons and ZZ (ZH), and fa= 3 TeV; the cross sections have been multiplied by the factors indicated in the legends for better visibility. The lower panels show the ratio of data to background. |
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Figure 2-a:
Distributions of the merged jet τ21 (left) and pT after applying the τ21 selection (right) for boosted hadronic V (upper) and H (lower) candidates. The gray band shows the statistical and systematic uncertainties in the background. The background for the τ21 distributions is normalized to the number of events in the data; the background normalization for the jet pT distributions is derived from the final fit to the data. The red dashed histograms correspond to a hypothetical linear (chiral) ALP with 1 TeV−1 couplings to gluons and ZZ (ZH), and fa= 3 TeV; the cross sections have been multiplied by the factors indicated in the legends for better visibility. The lower panels show the ratio of data to background. |
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Figure 2-b:
Distributions of the merged jet τ21 (left) and pT after applying the τ21 selection (right) for boosted hadronic V (upper) and H (lower) candidates. The gray band shows the statistical and systematic uncertainties in the background. The background for the τ21 distributions is normalized to the number of events in the data; the background normalization for the jet pT distributions is derived from the final fit to the data. The red dashed histograms correspond to a hypothetical linear (chiral) ALP with 1 TeV−1 couplings to gluons and ZZ (ZH), and fa= 3 TeV; the cross sections have been multiplied by the factors indicated in the legends for better visibility. The lower panels show the ratio of data to background. |
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Figure 2-c:
Distributions of the merged jet τ21 (left) and pT after applying the τ21 selection (right) for boosted hadronic V (upper) and H (lower) candidates. The gray band shows the statistical and systematic uncertainties in the background. The background for the τ21 distributions is normalized to the number of events in the data; the background normalization for the jet pT distributions is derived from the final fit to the data. The red dashed histograms correspond to a hypothetical linear (chiral) ALP with 1 TeV−1 couplings to gluons and ZZ (ZH), and fa= 3 TeV; the cross sections have been multiplied by the factors indicated in the legends for better visibility. The lower panels show the ratio of data to background. |
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Figure 2-d:
Distributions of the merged jet τ21 (left) and pT after applying the τ21 selection (right) for boosted hadronic V (upper) and H (lower) candidates. The gray band shows the statistical and systematic uncertainties in the background. The background for the τ21 distributions is normalized to the number of events in the data; the background normalization for the jet pT distributions is derived from the final fit to the data. The red dashed histograms correspond to a hypothetical linear (chiral) ALP with 1 TeV−1 couplings to gluons and ZZ (ZH), and fa= 3 TeV; the cross sections have been multiplied by the factors indicated in the legends for better visibility. The lower panels show the ratio of data to background. |
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Figure 3:
Distributions of the untagged and loose and medium DeepCSV tags for the more b-like subjet (left) and the less b-like subjet (right) of the boosted hadronic H candidates in SR2. The gray band shows the statistical and systematic uncertainties in the background. Background normalizations are derived from the final fit to the data. The red dashed histograms correspond to a hypothetical chiral ALP with 1 TeV−1 couplings to gluons and ZH, and fa= 3 TeV; the cross sections have been multiplied by the factors indicated in the legends for better visibility. The lower panels show the ratio of data to background. |
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Figure 3-a:
Distributions of the untagged and loose and medium DeepCSV tags for the more b-like subjet (left) and the less b-like subjet (right) of the boosted hadronic H candidates in SR2. The gray band shows the statistical and systematic uncertainties in the background. Background normalizations are derived from the final fit to the data. The red dashed histograms correspond to a hypothetical chiral ALP with 1 TeV−1 couplings to gluons and ZH, and fa= 3 TeV; the cross sections have been multiplied by the factors indicated in the legends for better visibility. The lower panels show the ratio of data to background. |
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Figure 3-b:
Distributions of the untagged and loose and medium DeepCSV tags for the more b-like subjet (left) and the less b-like subjet (right) of the boosted hadronic H candidates in SR2. The gray band shows the statistical and systematic uncertainties in the background. Background normalizations are derived from the final fit to the data. The red dashed histograms correspond to a hypothetical chiral ALP with 1 TeV−1 couplings to gluons and ZH, and fa= 3 TeV; the cross sections have been multiplied by the factors indicated in the legends for better visibility. The lower panels show the ratio of data to background. |
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Figure 4:
Distributions of the merged jet mJ (upper) and the dijet mjj (lower) for the untagged (left) and tagged (right) categories. The distributions include events in the signal regions SR1 and SR2 and in the sideband SB; the corresponding boundaries have been defined in the text. The gray band shows the statistical and systematic uncertainties in the background. Background normalizations are derived from the final fit to the data. The red dashed histograms correspond to a hypothetical linear ALP with 1 TeV−1 couplings to gluons and ZZ, and fa= 3 TeV; the cross sections have been multiplied by the factors indicated in the legends for better visibility. The lower panels show the ratio of data to background. |
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Figure 4-a:
Distributions of the merged jet mJ (upper) and the dijet mjj (lower) for the untagged (left) and tagged (right) categories. The distributions include events in the signal regions SR1 and SR2 and in the sideband SB; the corresponding boundaries have been defined in the text. The gray band shows the statistical and systematic uncertainties in the background. Background normalizations are derived from the final fit to the data. The red dashed histograms correspond to a hypothetical linear ALP with 1 TeV−1 couplings to gluons and ZZ, and fa= 3 TeV; the cross sections have been multiplied by the factors indicated in the legends for better visibility. The lower panels show the ratio of data to background. |
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Figure 4-b:
Distributions of the merged jet mJ (upper) and the dijet mjj (lower) for the untagged (left) and tagged (right) categories. The distributions include events in the signal regions SR1 and SR2 and in the sideband SB; the corresponding boundaries have been defined in the text. The gray band shows the statistical and systematic uncertainties in the background. Background normalizations are derived from the final fit to the data. The red dashed histograms correspond to a hypothetical linear ALP with 1 TeV−1 couplings to gluons and ZZ, and fa= 3 TeV; the cross sections have been multiplied by the factors indicated in the legends for better visibility. The lower panels show the ratio of data to background. |
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Figure 4-c:
Distributions of the merged jet mJ (upper) and the dijet mjj (lower) for the untagged (left) and tagged (right) categories. The distributions include events in the signal regions SR1 and SR2 and in the sideband SB; the corresponding boundaries have been defined in the text. The gray band shows the statistical and systematic uncertainties in the background. Background normalizations are derived from the final fit to the data. The red dashed histograms correspond to a hypothetical linear ALP with 1 TeV−1 couplings to gluons and ZZ, and fa= 3 TeV; the cross sections have been multiplied by the factors indicated in the legends for better visibility. The lower panels show the ratio of data to background. |
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Figure 4-d:
Distributions of the merged jet mJ (upper) and the dijet mjj (lower) for the untagged (left) and tagged (right) categories. The distributions include events in the signal regions SR1 and SR2 and in the sideband SB; the corresponding boundaries have been defined in the text. The gray band shows the statistical and systematic uncertainties in the background. Background normalizations are derived from the final fit to the data. The red dashed histograms correspond to a hypothetical linear ALP with 1 TeV−1 couplings to gluons and ZZ, and fa= 3 TeV; the cross sections have been multiplied by the factors indicated in the legends for better visibility. The lower panels show the ratio of data to background. |
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Figure 5:
The sideband diboson mass distributions for the boosted V (upper), resolved V (lower), untagged (left), and tagged (right) categories after fitting the sideband data alone. The points show the data, while the filled histograms show the background contributions. The gray band indicates the statistical and post-fit systematic uncertainties in the normalization and shape of the background. The lower panel shows the ratio of data to background. |
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Figure 5-a:
The sideband diboson mass distributions for the boosted V (upper), resolved V (lower), untagged (left), and tagged (right) categories after fitting the sideband data alone. The points show the data, while the filled histograms show the background contributions. The gray band indicates the statistical and post-fit systematic uncertainties in the normalization and shape of the background. The lower panel shows the ratio of data to background. |
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Figure 5-b:
The sideband diboson mass distributions for the boosted V (upper), resolved V (lower), untagged (left), and tagged (right) categories after fitting the sideband data alone. The points show the data, while the filled histograms show the background contributions. The gray band indicates the statistical and post-fit systematic uncertainties in the normalization and shape of the background. The lower panel shows the ratio of data to background. |
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Figure 5-c:
The sideband diboson mass distributions for the boosted V (upper), resolved V (lower), untagged (left), and tagged (right) categories after fitting the sideband data alone. The points show the data, while the filled histograms show the background contributions. The gray band indicates the statistical and post-fit systematic uncertainties in the normalization and shape of the background. The lower panel shows the ratio of data to background. |
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Figure 5-d:
The sideband diboson mass distributions for the boosted V (upper), resolved V (lower), untagged (left), and tagged (right) categories after fitting the sideband data alone. The points show the data, while the filled histograms show the background contributions. The gray band indicates the statistical and post-fit systematic uncertainties in the normalization and shape of the background. The lower panel shows the ratio of data to background. |
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Figure 6:
The SR1 mZV distributions for the boosted V (upper), resolved V (lower), untagged (left), and tagged (right) categories after fitting the signal and sideband regions with a model comprising signal (ALP linear ZZ) plus background. The last bin includes events with mZV values up to 3000 GeV. The points show the data, while the filled histograms show the background contributions. The signal is represented by the red dashed histogram, normalized to the observed 95% confidence level cross section limit at fa= 3 TeV; the cross sections have been multiplied by the factors indicated in the legends for better visibility. The gray band indicates the statistical and post-fit systematic uncertainties in the normalization and shape of the background. The lower panels show the ratio of data to background. |
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Figure 6-a:
The SR1 mZV distributions for the boosted V (upper), resolved V (lower), untagged (left), and tagged (right) categories after fitting the signal and sideband regions with a model comprising signal (ALP linear ZZ) plus background. The last bin includes events with mZV values up to 3000 GeV. The points show the data, while the filled histograms show the background contributions. The signal is represented by the red dashed histogram, normalized to the observed 95% confidence level cross section limit at fa= 3 TeV; the cross sections have been multiplied by the factors indicated in the legends for better visibility. The gray band indicates the statistical and post-fit systematic uncertainties in the normalization and shape of the background. The lower panels show the ratio of data to background. |
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Figure 6-b:
The SR1 mZV distributions for the boosted V (upper), resolved V (lower), untagged (left), and tagged (right) categories after fitting the signal and sideband regions with a model comprising signal (ALP linear ZZ) plus background. The last bin includes events with mZV values up to 3000 GeV. The points show the data, while the filled histograms show the background contributions. The signal is represented by the red dashed histogram, normalized to the observed 95% confidence level cross section limit at fa= 3 TeV; the cross sections have been multiplied by the factors indicated in the legends for better visibility. The gray band indicates the statistical and post-fit systematic uncertainties in the normalization and shape of the background. The lower panels show the ratio of data to background. |
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Figure 6-c:
The SR1 mZV distributions for the boosted V (upper), resolved V (lower), untagged (left), and tagged (right) categories after fitting the signal and sideband regions with a model comprising signal (ALP linear ZZ) plus background. The last bin includes events with mZV values up to 3000 GeV. The points show the data, while the filled histograms show the background contributions. The signal is represented by the red dashed histogram, normalized to the observed 95% confidence level cross section limit at fa= 3 TeV; the cross sections have been multiplied by the factors indicated in the legends for better visibility. The gray band indicates the statistical and post-fit systematic uncertainties in the normalization and shape of the background. The lower panels show the ratio of data to background. |
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Figure 6-d:
The SR1 mZV distributions for the boosted V (upper), resolved V (lower), untagged (left), and tagged (right) categories after fitting the signal and sideband regions with a model comprising signal (ALP linear ZZ) plus background. The last bin includes events with mZV values up to 3000 GeV. The points show the data, while the filled histograms show the background contributions. The signal is represented by the red dashed histogram, normalized to the observed 95% confidence level cross section limit at fa= 3 TeV; the cross sections have been multiplied by the factors indicated in the legends for better visibility. The gray band indicates the statistical and post-fit systematic uncertainties in the normalization and shape of the background. The lower panels show the ratio of data to background. |
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Figure 7:
The SR2 mZH distributions for the boosted H (upper), resolved H (lower), untagged (left), and tagged (right) categories after fitting the signal and sideband regions with a model comprising signal (ALP chiral ZH) plus background. The last bin includes events with mZH values up to 3000 GeV. The points show the data, while the filled histograms show the background contributions. The signal is represented by the red dashed histogram, normalized to the observed 95% confidence level cross section limit at fa= 3 TeV; the cross sections have been multiplied by the factors indicated in the legends for better visibility. The gray band indicates the statistical and post-fit systematic uncertainties in the normalization and shape of the background. The lower panels show the ratio of data to background. |
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Figure 7-a:
The SR2 mZH distributions for the boosted H (upper), resolved H (lower), untagged (left), and tagged (right) categories after fitting the signal and sideband regions with a model comprising signal (ALP chiral ZH) plus background. The last bin includes events with mZH values up to 3000 GeV. The points show the data, while the filled histograms show the background contributions. The signal is represented by the red dashed histogram, normalized to the observed 95% confidence level cross section limit at fa= 3 TeV; the cross sections have been multiplied by the factors indicated in the legends for better visibility. The gray band indicates the statistical and post-fit systematic uncertainties in the normalization and shape of the background. The lower panels show the ratio of data to background. |
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Figure 7-b:
The SR2 mZH distributions for the boosted H (upper), resolved H (lower), untagged (left), and tagged (right) categories after fitting the signal and sideband regions with a model comprising signal (ALP chiral ZH) plus background. The last bin includes events with mZH values up to 3000 GeV. The points show the data, while the filled histograms show the background contributions. The signal is represented by the red dashed histogram, normalized to the observed 95% confidence level cross section limit at fa= 3 TeV; the cross sections have been multiplied by the factors indicated in the legends for better visibility. The gray band indicates the statistical and post-fit systematic uncertainties in the normalization and shape of the background. The lower panels show the ratio of data to background. |
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Figure 7-c:
The SR2 mZH distributions for the boosted H (upper), resolved H (lower), untagged (left), and tagged (right) categories after fitting the signal and sideband regions with a model comprising signal (ALP chiral ZH) plus background. The last bin includes events with mZH values up to 3000 GeV. The points show the data, while the filled histograms show the background contributions. The signal is represented by the red dashed histogram, normalized to the observed 95% confidence level cross section limit at fa= 3 TeV; the cross sections have been multiplied by the factors indicated in the legends for better visibility. The gray band indicates the statistical and post-fit systematic uncertainties in the normalization and shape of the background. The lower panels show the ratio of data to background. |
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Figure 7-d:
The SR2 mZH distributions for the boosted H (upper), resolved H (lower), untagged (left), and tagged (right) categories after fitting the signal and sideband regions with a model comprising signal (ALP chiral ZH) plus background. The last bin includes events with mZH values up to 3000 GeV. The points show the data, while the filled histograms show the background contributions. The signal is represented by the red dashed histogram, normalized to the observed 95% confidence level cross section limit at fa= 3 TeV; the cross sections have been multiplied by the factors indicated in the legends for better visibility. The gray band indicates the statistical and post-fit systematic uncertainties in the normalization and shape of the background. The lower panels show the ratio of data to background. |
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Figure 8:
Observed and expected 95% CL upper limits on σG+B(G→ZZ) (left) and σW′+B(W′→ZW) (right) as a function of the resonance mass, taking into account all statistical and systematic uncertainties. The electron and muon channels and the various categories used in the analysis are combined together. The green (inner) and yellow (outer) bands represent the 68 and 95% coverage of the expected limit in the background-only hypothesis. Theoretical predictions for the signal production cross section are also shown: (left) G produced in the WED bulk graviton model with ˜κ= 0.5; (right) W' produced in the framework of HVT model A and B with gV= 1 and 3, respectively. |
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Figure 8-a:
Observed and expected 95% CL upper limits on σG+B(G→ZZ) (left) and σW′+B(W′→ZW) (right) as a function of the resonance mass, taking into account all statistical and systematic uncertainties. The electron and muon channels and the various categories used in the analysis are combined together. The green (inner) and yellow (outer) bands represent the 68 and 95% coverage of the expected limit in the background-only hypothesis. Theoretical predictions for the signal production cross section are also shown: (left) G produced in the WED bulk graviton model with ˜κ= 0.5; (right) W' produced in the framework of HVT model A and B with gV= 1 and 3, respectively. |
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Figure 8-b:
Observed and expected 95% CL upper limits on σG+B(G→ZZ) (left) and σW′+B(W′→ZW) (right) as a function of the resonance mass, taking into account all statistical and systematic uncertainties. The electron and muon channels and the various categories used in the analysis are combined together. The green (inner) and yellow (outer) bands represent the 68 and 95% coverage of the expected limit in the background-only hypothesis. Theoretical predictions for the signal production cross section are also shown: (left) G produced in the WED bulk graviton model with ˜κ= 0.5; (right) W' produced in the framework of HVT model A and B with gV= 1 and 3, respectively. |
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Figure 9:
Observed and expected 95% CL upper limits on the ALP linear |c˜Gc˜Z| (left) and the ALP chiral |c˜G˜a2D| (right) coupling coefficients as a function of the mass scale fa for ALP masses ma< 100 GeV. |
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Figure 9-a:
Observed and expected 95% CL upper limits on the ALP linear |c˜Gc˜Z| (left) and the ALP chiral |c˜G˜a2D| (right) coupling coefficients as a function of the mass scale fa for ALP masses ma< 100 GeV. |
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Figure 9-b:
Observed and expected 95% CL upper limits on the ALP linear |c˜Gc˜Z| (left) and the ALP chiral |c˜G˜a2D| (right) coupling coefficients as a function of the mass scale fa for ALP masses ma< 100 GeV. |
Tables | |
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Table 1:
Summary of selection requirements and categorization. |
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Table 2:
Summary of systematic uncertainties, quoted in percent, affecting the normalization of background and signal samples. Where a systematic uncertainty depends on the signa ZV or ZH channel or mass, the smallest and largest values are reported. In the case of a systematic uncertainty applying only to a specific background source, the source is indicated in parentheses. Systematic uncertainties too small to be considered are written as "<0.1'', while a dash (--) represents uncertainties not applicable in the specific analysis category. |
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Table 3:
Selection efficiencies in percent for the bulk graviton, W', and ALP linear and chiral models. |
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Table 4:
Expected and observed 95% CL upper limits on σ(gg→a∗→ZZ/ZH) in fb for fa= 3 TeV. The ±1σ and ±2σ numbers represent the 68 and 95% coverage of the expected limit for the background-only hypothesis. |
Summary |
A search has been presented for heavy resonances decaying to ZZ or ZW, and nonresonant ZZ or ZH production (where H is the Higgs boson) mediated by axion-like particles (ALPs). The analysis is sensitive to resonances with masses in the range from 450 to 1800 GeV. Two categories are defined based on the merged or resolved reconstruction of the hadronically decaying boson. The search is based on data collected in 2016-2018 by the CMS experiment at the LHC in proton-proton collisions with a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 138 fb−1. No significant excess is observed in the data above the standard model expectations. Depending on the resonance mass, upper limits of 2-90 and 5-120 fb have been set on the product of the cross section of a spin-2 bulk graviton and the ZZ branching fraction, and on a spin-1 W' signal and the ZW branching fraction, respectively. Upper limits on the nonresonant ALP-mediated ZZ and ZH production cross sections for a new physics energy scale fa= 3 TeV and ALP masses ma< 100 GeV have been established at 162 and 57 fb, respectively. Depending on the value of the scale fa, upper limits on the product of the ALP coupling to gluons with the relevant coupling to ZZ or ZH of 0.02-0.09 TeV−2 have been set, valid for ALP masses ma< 100 GeV. These are the first limits based on nonresonant ALP-mediated ZZ and ZH production obtained by the LHC experiments. |
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43 | CMS Collaboration | Track impact parameter resolution for the full pseudo rapidity coverage in the 2017 dataset with the CMS phase-1 pixel detector | CDS | |
44 | CMS Collaboration | Performance of electron reconstruction and selection with the CMS detector in proton-proton collisions at √s= 8 TeV | JINST 10 (2015) P06005 | CMS-EGM-13-001 1502.02701 |
45 | CMS Collaboration | Performance of the CMS muon detector and muon reconstruction with proton-proton collisions at √s= 13 TeV | JINST 13 (2018) P06015 | CMS-MUO-16-001 1804.04528 |
46 | CMS Collaboration | Pileup mitigation at CMS in 13 TeV data | JINST 15 (2020) P09018 | CMS-JME-18-001 2003.00503 |
47 | D. Bertolini, P. Harris, M. Low, and N. Tran | Pileup per particle identification | JHEP 10 (2014) 059 | 1407.6013 |
48 | CMS Collaboration | Jet algorithms performance in 13 TeV data | CMS-PAS-JME-16-003 | CMS-PAS-JME-16-003 |
49 | M. Dasgupta, A. Fregoso, S. Marzani, and G. P. Salam | Towards an understanding of jet substructure | JHEP 09 (2013) 029 | 1307.0007 |
50 | A. J. Larkoski, S. Marzani, G. Soyez, and J. Thaler | Soft drop | JHEP 05 (2014) 146 | 1402.2657 |
51 | J. Thaler and K. Van Tilburg | Identifying boosted objects with N-subjettiness | JHEP 03 (2011) 015 | 1011.2268 |
52 | CMS Collaboration | Identification of heavy-flavour jets with the CMS detector in pp collisions at 13 TeV | JINST 13 (2018) P05011 | CMS-BTV-16-002 1712.07158 |
53 | CMS Collaboration | Measurement of the inclusive W and Z production cross sections in pp collisions at √s= 7 TeV | JHEP 10 (2011) 132 | CMS-EWK-10-005 1107.4789 |
54 | CMS Collaboration | Identification techniques for highly boosted W bosons that decay into hadrons | JHEP 12 (2014) 017 | CMS-JME-13-006 1410.4227 |
55 | J. Butterworth et al. | PDF4LHC recommendations for LHC Run II | JPG 43 (2016) 023001 | 1510.03865 |
56 | CMS Collaboration | Precision luminosity measurement in proton-proton collisions at √s= 13 TeV in 2015 and 2016 at CMS | EPJC 81 (2021) 800 | CMS-LUM-17-003 2104.01927 |
57 | CMS Collaboration | CMS luminosity measurement for the 2017 data-taking period at √s= 13 TeV | CMS-PAS-LUM-17-004 | CMS-PAS-LUM-17-004 |
58 | CMS Collaboration | CMS luminosity measurement for the 2018 data-taking period at √s= 13 TeV | CMS-PAS-LUM-18-002 | CMS-PAS-LUM-18-002 |
59 | A. L. Read | Presentation of search results: The CLs technique | JPG 28 (2002) 2693 | |
60 | T. Junk | Confidence level computation for combining searches with small statistics | NIMA 434 (1999) 435 | hep-ex/9902006 |
61 | G. Cowan, K. Cranmer, E. Gross, and O. Vitells | Asymptotic formulae for likelihood-based tests of new physics | EPJC 71 (2011) 1554 | 1007.1727 |
62 | ATLAS Collaboration, CMS Collaboration, LHC Higgs Combination Group | Procedure for the LHC Higgs boson search combination in Summer 2011 | CMS-NOTE-2011-005 | |
63 | ATLAS and CMS Collaborations | Measurements of the Higgs boson production and decay rates and constraints on its couplings from a combined ATLAS and CMS analysis of the LHC pp collision data at √s= 7 and 8 TeV | JHEP 08 (2016) 045 | 1606.02266 |
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Compact Muon Solenoid LHC, CERN |
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