CMS Detector Performance at 13 TeV

Integrated luminosity (in fb−1) delivered to CMS by the LHC in proton-proton collisions versus date, for the five years of data taking: 2010 (green) and 2011 (red) at 7 TeV, 2012 (blue) at 8 TeV [2010-2012 corresponds to Run-1 of the LHC], 2015 (magenta) at 13 TeV [first year of Run-2], and 2016 (yellow) up to July 25 at 13 TeV. The amount of 13-TeV data analyzed by CMS for the ICHEP 2016 Conference is of the order of 2.7 fb−1 of 2015 data and 12.9 fb−1 of 2016 data.
The CMS di-photon mass spectrum obtained with 12.9 fb−1 of 2016 data at 13 TeV (both photons in the ECAL barrel: left; at least one photon in the ECAL endcaps: right). No significant excess of events is observed over the background-only hypothesis. The mild excess near mγγ∼750 GeV reported by CMS with 2012 and 2015 data is not confirmed with 2016 data.
The di-jet mass spectrum, obtained with 12.9 fb−1 of 2016 data at 13 TeV (left), and a display of a di-jet event with di-jet mass of 7.7 TeV.
The dilepton mass spectra, obtained with up to 13 fb−1 of 2016 data at 13 TeV (left: di-electron; right: di-muon).
Search for SUSY in all-hadronic events with large missing transverse momentum, performed on 12.9 fb−1 of 2016 data at 13 TeV.
Constraints in the stop-neutralino plane obtained with fully-hadronic (left) and single-lepton final states in 12.9 fb−1 of 2016 data at 13 TeV.
The Higgs boson signal in the four-lepton decay channel (top), obtained with 12.9 fb−1 of 13 TeV data. Significance of local fluctuations under the background-only hypothesis as a function of the Higgs boson mass (bottom left) and measured signal strength modifiers corresponding to the main Higgs boson production modes (bottom right).
The Higgs boson signal in the di-photon decay channel (top), obtained with 12.9 fb−1 of 13 TeV data. Significance of local fluctuations under the background-only hypothesis as a function of the Higgs boson mass (bottom left) and measured signal strength modifiers corresponding to the main Higgs boson production modes (bottom right).
Evidence for tˉt production in association with a W or Z boson obtained with 12.9 fb−1 of 2016 data at 13 TeV.
The CMS four-lepton spectrum obtained with 2.6 fb−1 of 2015 data at 13 TeV, and the ZZ cross section as a function of collider energy with recent ATLAS and CMS data points at 13 TeV.

The di-muon Drell-Yan mass spectrum obtained with 2.6 fb−1 of 2015 data at 13 TeV, compared here to the aMC@NLO theoretical prediction.

The CMS inclusive jet double-differential cross sections (anti-kT R=0.7) obtained with 71 pb−1 of 2015 data at 13 TeV, compared here to NLOJet++ simulations with the CT14 PDF set.

The nuclear modification factors for charged particles (left) and for D0 mesons (right), obtained with 404 μb−1 of PbPb and 25.8 pb−1 of pp collisions at 5.02 TeV per nucleon (2015 data).