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CMS logoCMS event Hgg
Compact Muon Solenoid

CMS Results at the 38th International Conference on High Energy Physics
ICHEP-2016 ICHEP 2016, August 3-10, 2016, Chicago - Timetable

ATLAS and CMS at Plenary Sessions Where do we go from here? Vision & Outlook, by Ian Shipsey

CMS Detector Performance at 13 TeV

CMS event Hgg
Integrated luminosity (in fb1) delivered to CMS by the LHC in proton-proton collisions versus date, for the five years of data taking: 2010 (green) and 2011 (red) at 7 TeV, 2012 (blue) at 8 TeV [2010-2012 corresponds to Run-1 of the LHC], 2015 (magenta) at 13 TeV [first year of Run-2], and 2016 (yellow) up to July 25 at 13 TeV. The amount of 13-TeV data analyzed by CMS for the ICHEP 2016 Conference is of the order of 2.7 fb1 of 2015 data and 12.9 fb1 of 2016 data.

CMS di-photon spectrum EBEB 2016 CMS di-photon spectrum EBEE 2016
The CMS di-photon mass spectrum obtained with 12.9 fb1 of 2016 data at 13 TeV (both photons in the ECAL barrel: left; at least one photon in the ECAL endcaps: right). No significant excess of events is observed over the background-only hypothesis. The mild excess near mγγ750 GeV reported by CMS with 2012 and 2015 data is not confirmed with 2016 data.

CMS di-jet spectrum 2016 CMS di-jet event2016
The di-jet mass spectrum, obtained with 12.9 fb1 of 2016 data at 13 TeV
(left), and a display of a di-jet event with di-jet mass of 7.7 TeV.

CMS di-electron spectrum 2016 CMS di-muon spectrum 2016
The dilepton mass spectra, obtained with up to 13 fb1 of 2016 data at 13 TeV
(left: di-electron; right: di-muon).

CMS SUSY multijets 2016
Search for SUSY in all-hadronic events with large missing transverse momentum, performed on 12.9 fb1 of 2016 data at 13 TeV.

CMS SUSY stop hadrons 2016 CMS SUSY stop one-lepton 2016
Constraints in the stop-neutralino plane obtained with fully-hadronic (left) and single-lepton final states in 12.9 fb1 of 2016 data at 13 TeV.

CMS H to ZZ spectrum 2016

CMS H to ZZ p-value 2016 CMS H(ZZ) mu per prod mode (2016)
The Higgs boson signal in the four-lepton decay channel (top), obtained with 12.9 fb1 of 13 TeV data. Significance of local fluctuations under the background-only hypothesis as a function of the Higgs boson mass (bottom left) and measured signal strength modifiers corresponding to the main Higgs boson production modes (bottom right).

CMS H to gg spectrum 2016
CMS H to gg spectrum 2016 CMS H to gg spectrum 2016
The Higgs boson signal in the di-photon decay channel (top), obtained with 12.9 fb1 of 13 TeV data. Significance of local fluctuations under the background-only hypothesis as a function of the Higgs boson mass (bottom left) and measured signal strength modifiers corresponding to the main Higgs boson production modes (bottom right).

CMS ttZ Search 2016 CMS ttW versus ttZ (2016))
Evidence for tˉt production in association with a W or Z boson obtained with 12.9 fb1 of 2016 data at 13 TeV.

CMS ZZ spectrum 2015 CMS ZZ x-section (2015) vs sqrt(s)
The CMS four-lepton spectrum obtained with 2.6 fb1 of 2015 data at 13 TeV, and the ZZ cross section as a function of collider energy with recent ATLAS and CMS data points at 13 TeV.

CMS jet x-section
The di-muon Drell-Yan mass spectrum obtained with 2.6 fb1 of 2015 data at 13 TeV, compared here to the aMC@NLO theoretical prediction.

CMS jet x-section
The CMS inclusive jet double-differential cross sections (anti-kT R=0.7) obtained with 71 pb1 of 2015 data at 13 TeV, compared here to NLOJet++ simulations with the CT14 PDF set.

CMS charged nuclear modification factor (2015) CMS D0 nuclear modification factor (2015)
The nuclear modification factors for charged particles (left) and for D0 mesons (right),
obtained with 404 μb1 of PbPb and 25.8 pb1 of pp collisions at 5.02 TeV per nucleon (2015 data).

CMS Highlights at ICHEP 2016

Beyond the Standard Model

Exotica Supersymmetry
Higgs, Top and Electroweak

Higgs physicsTop quark physicsElectroweak physics
Strong Interactions & Heavy Ions

Jets and hadrons, forward phyicsVector boson productionHeavy flavorsHeavy ions
CMS Publications
CMS Preliminary Results

Compact Muon Solenoid